Jenny Haynes Hexibore Quilt Workshop


Learn to sew no-pin curves in different sizes using my Complete and Long Oval Drunkard’s Path templates.

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Learn to sew no-pin curves in different sizes using my Complete and Long Oval Drunkard’s Path templates in the
PHXMQG Hexibore Quilt Workshop (via Zoom) with Jenny Haynes on June 29th (and a Zoom prep for the workshop on June 9th )
Both the Workshop and the Prep session will be held via Zoom – hosted by Jenny Haynes.

Times (Note the two different meeting times and dates):

Get Ready! – Sunday 
June 9th, 11am-12pm Mountain Time

Workshop! – Saturday 
June 29th, 10am-2pm Mountain Time


Learning objectives:

In this techniques class you’ll learn to sew no-pin curves in different sizes using my Complete and Long Oval Drunkard’s Path templates. The different sized curves are assembled and cut into wedges that, joined together, create a kaleidoscope style flower with either six or four petals. I will show you how to get accurate angles on your wedges and how to get the seams to match. As usual there will be lots of ideas on how to make your own version and how to best use the different sized blocks and the wedges in your own design.

I’ll show you how I choose colours and how different colour values will help enhance the ‘folds’ in the petals.

We will be using the Complete and Long Oval Drunkard’s Path template sets in this class. The paper version of the templates is included but, if you decide only the Acrylic templates will suffice, you’ll receive a 10% class discount code upon booking the class. The Acrylic templates are highly recommended for ease and accuracy, especially if you are a stickler for precision, and will be shipped to you with USPS from within the US (no customs fees or import tax will be added). 



•PDF paper templates

•The Four Petalled Hexibore Quilt pdf pattern

•The Six Petalled Hexibore Quilt pdf pattern

•A recording of the class and the Get ready! session

•10% class discount

Supplies list:

•Sewing machine

•Quality fine sewing thread (40 or 50wt) in neutral or to match your project

•Cutting mat

•Rotary cutter

•Long gridded ruler with 30°and 60° lines

•Hera marker (preferred) or other non-permanent marking tool/pen/chalk


•Seam ripper

•Glue stick (I use Prym Aqua Marker but Sewline Glue Pen is popular too)

•Access to a printer (for the paper templates) OR my Acrylic templates


Suitable for beginner as well as  advanced quilters. No previous curve experience required but general quilting knowledge is assumed (how to use a rotary cutter, sew with an accurate seam allowance etc).


Price:  $25 for PHXMQG members and $50 for non-members.

Upon completion of purchase you will receive an email with workshop details.