

May 2016 Roster Questionnaire

Hello all!  Please check your emails for the PHXMQG Roster Questionnaire.  This email should be going to the email address you have associated with the guild or the email address you use for Paypal.  Please note that you can choose…

April 2016 Meeting Reminder

We’ll be meeting at the Veterans Oasis Park in Chandler and will be doing a photography workshop led my Holly (aka @hollygetsquilty)!  Bring quilts to photograph!  Regular meeting items to be conducted as well.  See you at 1PM!  See this…

March 2016 Meeting Minutes

PHXMQG Meeting Minutes March 2016 General Meeting; March 19, 2016 1 pm Scrapbooks Etc. 1. Welcome Thank you to March birthdays for snacks Introduction of new members 2. Secretary Report Approval of January 2016 meeting minutes – APPROVED 3. PresidentVice…

March 2016 Meeting Reminder

Hello All! A reminder that our monthly guild meeting is THIS Saturday March 19, 2016 at 1PM at ETC in Mesa. We will be having a color theory presentation as well as the following items: Guild t-Shirt Design ideas.  Bring your ideas…

February 2016 Open Sew Reminder

Hi All!  Please remember that we are having an open sew this Saturday, February 20th at ETC in Mesa from 1-4PM.  Please join us for some chatting, snacking and sewing (most likely in that order!).  Please bring a snack to…

January 2016 Meeting Minutes

Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes Date: January 16, 2016 Location: Scrapbooks ETC, Mesa, AZ President Holly James at 1:15pm. Approximately 36 people were in attendance. Thank you to all who provided snacks this month! Introduction of New Members: Welcome Erynn! Secretary’s Report…