December 2014 Fat Quarter Swap

With so many fabric sales going on right now it seemed like the perfect time to remind everyone about the fat quarter swap taking place at the December meeting (Saturday, December 20th 12pm at ETC).

There are three swaps happening and you can participate in as few or as many as you like. For each one cut 2 yards of fabric into 8 fat quarters. What you will go home with is a bundle consisting of one of your fat quarters and 7 others. To ensure a mix of colors for the solids there are sign ups here: ( Passcode: PHXMQG.


– Text Prints: black, white, off-white (examples on our Text Prints Pinterest board)
– Solid Pastel: label with brand and color way
– Solid Jewel Tone: label with brand and color way

With your 2 yards of fabric here is how to get those 8 fat quarters:

First, cut the yardage into 4 half yard (18 inch) sections. You will be cutting from selvage to selvage.


Second, cut each half yard section into two pieces (the fabric is commonly already folded in half making the crease line a good place to cut).


Last, label your fabric with the brand and color way. There will be some blank labels at the meeting if anyone needs them. The text prints don’t have to be labeled but it is helpful for the solids.


Don’t forget that we will also be having our end of the year potluck! Signups are on (coordinator: Bobman; password: PHXMQG)