February 2017 Block Lottery


Feelin’ lucky Phoenix? Come to the February meeting and take your chances on our first ever Block Lottery!

Here’s how it works…

  1. A free-pattern block is chosen for every one to make in advance of the Lottery meeting
  2. You can make as many blocks as you wish to contribute to the lottery with your stash of modern, quilt-shop quality fabric
  3. For every block you bring to the designated meeting, you will get one raffle ticket for the Block Lottery, and we will draw for one lucky winner!

Sound like fun? Here’s a link to the lovely pineapple block we’re going to feature at the February meeting. Keep in mind that you only have to make the block, and not the sashing for the entire mini-quilt, through Step C. Any colors for your pineapple are fine, we just ask that you use a white background, Kona Snow or similar.