February 2014 Swap – Polka Dot Zip Pouch


It’s Swap time again!

 I loved how excited people were about the polka dot swap idea!

 SO fun!

 Who doesn’t like polka dots?

 If you would like to participate,

 Please bring a POLKA DOT zip pouch to our February meeting!

 Give one, Get one!  I really love to see what others create!


I’ve made a Pinterest board of zip pouches, it’s under Chelsa Knight, ‘zipper pouch swap ideas’

This time, we’re looking to swap a zip pouch that’s at least 9” x 9” (if you are making a boxed bag style that counts as part of the size)

 You can paper-piece it, FMQ it, piece it, anything goes!

It just needs to have a zipper and polka dots!

And, if you Really love polka dots… wear them to our meeting !  

Happy Sewing!


