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October 2013 Nominations for Chairs Please!
We are also accepting nominations for chairs. If you are interested in chairing any of the positions below, or wish to nominate someone else, please email to [email protected] so that the name can be added to the ballot to be voted on at our November meeting. If you are currently chairing and wish to continue you may also nominate yourself for another year. (Note some of the positions below were not filled this year and the board took on the responsibility of them. Next year’s board can decide to do the same or can have chairs for these positions if they prefer.)
All Chairs General Info from Bylaws:
- Committees and chairpersons shall have no authority except that which is granted by the President and or the Executive Board.
- Can create a committee as necessary to assist in role and is responsible for the general supervision of the committee and its membership.
- The Committee Chairperson is appointed by the PHXMQG Board or voted on during and may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position unless agreed upon by a majority vote of membership.
- The Committee Chairperson is responsible for giving the PHXMQG Executive Board a report of all pertinent information regarding their committee, including sign-ups, deadlines, progress, etc. before each quarterly Executive Board Meeting.
- Upon leaving the post of Committee Chairperson all information, books, and data must be given to the next Chairperson (or the Executive board in the absence of a new Chairperson) so they can fulfill his/her duties.
- In the event a chair is unable to attend a meeting s/he has a responsibility at, it is his/her job to secure a sub and to notify the president of the absence and who the replacement is.
Charity Chairperson
- Creates and maintains a list of local charities interested in receiving quilts.
- Proposes donation opportunities to PHXMQG membership.
- Organizes the delivery of any quilts made to the various charities.
- Responsible for storing all charity fabric, supplies and quilt’s in progress.
- Responsible for transporting all charity fabric, supplies and quilt’s in progress to monthly meetings and any charity sew-ins.
- Organizes Charity sew-ins and works in collaboration with Executive Board to promote event
Block-of-the-Month Chairperson
- Shall select and print pattern(s) to show to members and be responsible for the Block-of-the Month at general meetings.
Challenge of the Month Chairperson
- Shall select and announce the challenge of the month at each meeting for the following month
- Promotes the challenge of the month on the blog and on other social media sites
Bee Keeper
- Responsible for maintaining lists of current bees.
- Helps connect interested PHXMQG members with bees in their area.
Event and Swap Chairperson
- Organizes any events (such as sew ins) and swaps for monthly meetings of PHXMQG.
- Creates a schedule for various swaps to take place throughout the calendar year and are present to direct the activities of each swap.
- Works in collaboration with the Workshop Chairperson and members of the Executive Board.
Workshop Chairperson
- Heads a committee that develops a program calendar on a yearly basis for speakers, demonstrations, and workshops. Program calendar to be submitted to Executive Board for approval.
- Plans and organizes a “30 minute demonstration day” where members teach and learn about various topics
- Invites guest speakers, arranges for the workshop space, and establishes applicable fees to be submitted to the executive board for approval.
- Assists during each workshop or presentation.
- Develops and maintains a resource file of potential programs and speakers.
Quiltalong Chair
- Organizes a quiltalong at least once per year either in person or virtual via the blog and social media.
- Keeps a list of quiltalongs and promotes the activity.
- Keeps a list of who is participating in the quiltalongs.
Hospitality and Snack Chair
- Shall greet new members and visitors at general meetings and provide membership information.
- Brings the jar with paper and a few pens for member questions to set on the welcome table and encourages members to use it.
- Announces visitors to the president for introduction to the group during the welcome part of the meeting.
- Coordinates donations for snacks and sends monthly reminders to those who have signed up to donate a snack.
- Makes sure that all people have signed in on the signup form and have a name tag on.
- Gives the final sign in sheet to an Executive Board member at the end of each meeting.
Show and Tell/Giveaway Chairperson
- Shall direct the sharing part of the monthly PHXMQG meeting.
- Shall assist with any Giveaways, Raffles, and Door Prizes.
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