October 2014 Meeting Reminder

The October meeting is this Saturday, October 18th at 1pm! We will be meeting at the Chandler Police Department in the Community Room (250 E Chicago St, Chandler, AZ 85225). Parking is available at Chicago and Washington. As you enter the Police Department main doors the Community Room is to the left. There is also a direct outside entrance to the left of the main Police Department doors.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Chandler+Police+Department,+250+East+Chicago+Street,+Chandler,+AZ+85225&aq=&sll=33.301453,-111.838755&sspn=0.006144,0.008942&vpsrc=0&t=h&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=Chandler+Police+Department,+250+East+Chicago+Street,+Chandler,+AZ+85225&ll=33.30153,-111.838122&spn=0.006295,0.006295&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

The activity for this month will be a Quilt as You Go Herringbone Quilt workshop. Danny will be leading guild through the Maureen Cracknell Tutorial . The Bee will also meet and there will be a brief discussion about 2015 Board Elections scheduled for November.

The materials needed for the workshop are:

  • Approximately (210) 2.5” x 14.5” strips of starched fabric (or other sizes, if you want to go that route: read below)
  • (8) 8”x64” batting panels made with scrim (Warm and Natural will work)
  • Sewing machine with 1/4” foot (foot will need to glide on top of batting, so a foot with a seam guide on the side will not work)
  • Thread for piecing
  • Seam roller/small iron and pressing mat/pen or marker/something to press the seams (or you can finger press)
  • Ruler with 45 degree angle marking (does not have to be a big one. We will use it to mark the first line on the quilt as a guide for strip placement)
  • Pen to mark angle onto batting

From Danny about the QAYG Herringbone quilts she has made: “My quilts were made using strips that varied from 1” wide to 3” wide, and in the case of the Arizona quilt, sometimes wider. You can use any width strip for this quilt, just be sure it is wide enough to cover the batting panel. The wider the strip, the longer the strip will need to be. 2.5” x 14.5” is the perfect size if you don’t want to worry about whether your strip will fit across the batting or not. And in case you were wondering, you can get (3) perfect, Herringbone QAYG sized strips from (1) 2.5” WOF strip.”