November 2014 This Saturday Come and WIN!

Just another friendly blog reminder to come on out to the Chandler Police Station at 1 PM for our November Planning Meeting!  Wear your name tags so we can see how they all turned out from last month (or bring one you have already or you may be stuck with a sticker name tag :)).
Our own Jona is back from Quilt Market and she has samples for us to see of new upcoming modern stuff!  She also has a few issues of Generation Q to give away as door prizes.  Not sure which issues, but I love anything free!

 BEST OF ALL…Jona has brought us this book signed by the authors (who are from Australia by the way) also to give away as a door prize!

I hope whoever wins it will let me browse through it!
We are so excited to finally be figuring out what YOU want to do for the next year.  Bring any ideas you have for the following categories, Modern Block of the Month Challenge, Other Block of the Month, SWAPS, BLOCK LOTTOS, BEES, CHARITY, SEW-INS, QUILTALONGS, ROUND ROBINS, CHALLENGES, WORKSHOPS, SPEAKERS or bring an idea that we haven’t even come up with!
Search the web and peek at what other Modern Guilds are up to, or what the national Modern Guild has for tutorials and suggestions and bring your favorite ideas to the meeting.
Looking forward to seeing you.  Don’t forget to check out our facebook page if you haven’t already!  Here is a link to the invite with directions to the meeting!