January 2020 Meeting Minutes

PHXMQG Meeting Agenda

January 11, 2020 1-4pm


President opened the meeting at 1:05pm

Introduction of new members guests

Celebrations – Claire was featured on “The Quilt Show” , Sharri featured in MQG magazine and website.

President Report

Sew-day booked for February-December. Please check the calendar and come join us to sew before meetings.

Member survey – please complete and we’ll discuss the results in February.

Reviewed programming agenda for 2020

  • January – Indigo dyeing workshop
  • February – Sewing time – Nedra leading a jelly roll race to help refugee organization. 6 spots available with current supplies. Sign up going up this week on the website. There will be a supply list if more than 8 sign up, and a prize for the winner
  • Also: a sewing space virtual tour. Erica and Claire will be bringing a video they’ve put together showcasing several of our member’s sewing spaces to give us all ideas on organization and creative space.
  • Finally: we have a speaker Brooke (Aprilwoeighty) will be coming from Tucson to give us a lecture on her style of quilting.
  • March: Claire Victor will be presenting her trunk show. Claire’s an award-winning quilter and has developed a specific style to her craft
  • April: Laura will be doing a demo to show us how to turn our quilting scraps into dog beds for local charities.
  • May: Mini demo by Patti K
  • June: our guild garage sale where we bring materials and let folks take what we aren’t using
  • July: Christmas in July
  • August: Demo day
  • September: Great Phoenix Modern Quilting Bee
  • October: Elections and heirloom day
  • November: Speaker Sherrilynn Wood workshop and lecture
  • December: Holiday party

Charity update:

  • Annette Gelfi’s Australian bushfire request – this was put on hold, they asked not to send anything.
  • Danna Sander’s Navajo quilting group request – she will be collecting at Feb. meeting as well.

Check Instagram for details, follow our IG page and make sure to read your emails from us

We still have sewing retreat space reserved in February, May, August and November at Pam Rackley’s place in Gilbert.

Block Lottery for February is bird house block

Vice President Report

We will start a page that features our members who have sewing/quilting businesses so people can find them and support them. Please send information to us and we will post it to the website.

Treasurer Report

Report given by President:

Please pay Dues by January 31st to stay on the roster

Financial report will be provided in Feb.

Secretary Report

No minutes for December,

Approval of November Meeting Minutes –Minutes approved: Fauna,, and Kimmi seconded.

Committee Announcements

Block of the Month [Laura]

Swap [Kimie] – Feb. Swap will be a mini quilt magnet.

Bee [Faunna]showed Jan. block, handed out kits to present Bee members.

Outreach: Erika: we will be doing a lecture and mini trunk show for the Cactus Patchers – if you are interested in coming, please let Erika know.

Charity [Linda] – will have more of an update in Feb. we have a few continuing from last year.

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Adjourned 1:35pm

Indigo Dye workshop with Lauren: