January 18, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes

Date: January 18, 2014

Location: Chandler Police Department Community Room

Vice President Michelle Hart called the meeting to order at 1:18pm. Approximately 33 people were in attendance.

Treasurer’s Report from Alissa Clark

Previous Balance: 1,279.52

Current Balance: 1,265.77

Chelsa is slated to take over from Alissa next month.

Secretary’s Report from Rebecca Whaling

November meeting minutes were approved and seconded (previous draft had this listed as December minutes, correct RjW)

Vice President’s Report from Michelle Hart

National Modern Quilt Guild enrollment for PHXMQG to be completed after the January meeting.

Vitamin D Bee Chair Report from Danny

Danny presented the rules for the guild bee, Vitamin D, including updates from the rules used last year. Examples of bee blocks were displayed and discussed. Guidelines are that the block selected by the queen take only 1.5 hours on average to complete. The queen is to assemble a kit for each hive member which includes a tested tutorial for the block plus fabric sufficient to complete the block. Any specialty materials are to be included as well. The kit is given to hive members at the meeting the month prior to the due date. As an example, Danny will be queen for March. Kits will be given to hive members at the February meeting and completed blocks given to Danny at the March meeting. Signups for the Vitamin D Bee will last until the February meeting. Guidelines for the bee are posted on the PHXMQG website quilting-bee-info.

Hospitality Chair Report from Bonnie

  • Snacks: Bonnie went over how the snack rotation works. Two people from the volunteer list are in charge of snacks each month, coordinating with each other what they will bring.

  • Treasure Table: The Treasure Table is a place for members to bring craft related items (magazines, fabric, yarn, etc) they no longer want and for others to take home. Any items left over after the meeting Bonnie donates.

  • Scraps for Dog Beds: Bonnie has found a contact at Bernina Connection that will accept fabric scraps for use in making dog beds. Bonnie demonstrated making a large fabric bag to store scraps which can be sewn shut when filled.

Swap Chair Report from Chelsa

Chelsa presented several swap ideas for 2014. A Spring themed table runner swap was discussed. With this swap the table runner would be specific to the intended recipient. Those participating would fill out information to be used by their partner to be used when making the table runner. Other swap ideas are potholders and a polka dot themed swap. The year will finish with the fabric swap. The first swap selected is a Polka Dot Zipper Pouch Swap. The swap will take place at the February meeting. Guidelines will be posted.


  • Denise announced that the Gilbert Historical Museum is looking for examples of “Modern Quilts” for their 2014 show. Details will be posted on the blog. The show runs from March 4th to May 31st and the deadline for entries is February 22nd.

  • The next meeting of the Arizona Quilt Study Group will be held on January 25th. The theme is Australian Quilts. http://azquilthistory.org/index.html

  • Several new guests were in attendance and introduced themselves.

Door Prize

A fabric bundle from Pink Chalk and a quilt pattern “Cooper’s Cars” were the two door prizes for the month.

Break for cake (thank you Bonnie!) and refreshments followed by Show and Tell.

Meeting adjourned at 3:40pm. The February meeting is scheduled for the 15th at Scrapbooks ETC in Mesa.

Prepared by: Rebecca Whaling, January 22, 2014