June 2020 Meeting Minutes

PHXMQG Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2020

Virtual Meeting (Zoom)

President opened the meeting and asked for new member/guest introductions and celebrations.

President Report

• Pyle center is closed – we don’t have an open date yet. We will continue to have our monthly meetings virtually until we all feel it is safe to return to meet face to face.

• We will continue to have weekly check-ins virtually.

• Open board and chair positions for 2021- Elections will be in September

o President

o Treasurer

o Programming Chair

o BOM chair

• Announced 2 virtual lectures/truck shows coming in August and September

o Member pricing

o Non-member pricing

o Seating is limited

o Funds received will cover the cost of the speakers

Treasurers Report

• Reported balance with no incoming

Vice President

Block lottery and swaps – we will continue to make them and determine the best way to do the swaps – maybe we will do them all at once when we are in person again. We will keep you posted.


Called for motion to approve May meeting minutes

Barb Brandt motioned

Claire Victor seconded

Minutes approved.

Committee Announcements

• Announced a new Swap process:

o Sign-up to make 2-3 of the swaps for 202 and you will be matched with a swap partner who will make 2-3 and you will swap via mail.

o Sign up by 2/27 and you will receive your swap partner’s name and mailing address so you can mail to your partner in August.

o All swaps are posted on the website.

Show and Share: Members shared their quilt projects.

Guest Speakers:

Margret Simmons on labeling quilts and the National Quilt Index

Patty K:

Gave a tutorial on paper piecing with freezer paper

Names we pulled for door prizes – all prizes will be mailed to winners.

Meeting Adjourned.