January 2022 Meeting Minutes

PHXMQG Meeting Minutes- January 8, 2022, 56 Members in attendance 

Virtual Meeting (Zoom)

President opened the meeting

Welcome & information from President Laura Flagler- Laura welcomed all for a new year with PHXMQG. Laura also shared that we will be forming a Bylaws committee of 4-5 members to update the Bylaws. Cindy Stohn from the executive board will serve on this committee. We are looking for members to participate. We have already heard from a member, Sharon Flanagan-Hyde, who is committed to lead the process. Sharon comes with experience working with non-for profits for 20plus years, helping with governance issues, including writing By-laws. She is familiar with legal requirements in Arizona as it relates to By-Laws. If you are interested in participating, you are encouraged to reach out to Cindy Stohn: Treasurer@PhoennixmodernQuiltGuild.

Ice Breaker– Participants were broken out into groups of 4-5 to get to know others in the guild. Thank you, Erica Daniels, for a fun Ice Breaker!

New Members and Guests– We had 3 guests: Shannon Wagnon & her friend and Janell Jones.

Introduction of new Board members: Erica Daniels new to the Vice President Role, and Kristin Floyd new to the Secretary role. Kristin took time to introduce herself to other members of the guild. 

Secretary Report

No Minutes to approve, since December meeting was Holiday Party.

Treasurer’s Report by Cindy Stohn

  • Reported current balance and expected expenditures for 2021
  • Showed expected budget for 2022
Community outreach
  •  Bonnie shared that at Quiltcon, there will be a Community Outreach Workspace, where all in attendance can make blocks. All these blocks will be turned over to PHXMQG, and used to piece quilts that will then be donated to various Charities that align with QuiltCon Outreach (Women of color Quilters Network, and Navajo Quilt Project) 
  • For those that have organizations they would like the guild to donate to, you will need to act as the liaison between the guild and that org. Reach Out to Bonnie for more information.
BOM – Kim shared this years BOM is free to members, it is called “Dear Gunta” a pattern by Carrie Strine. All information is listed on website, contact Kim with questions. January for picking fabric and cutting, First Row in February-Bring to February meeting to share if you have it completed.
 Block lotto – 
  • Previewed February block (Little Lamb), please bring to February meeting, or send pictures to Patti
  • January Block (Quarter Log Cabin) winner: Diana Jacobson
  • All information for future Blocks is on Website, A big thank you to Patti for leading this again.
Swaps: Claire shared SWAP, the Mini-Shirt magnet, all information posted on website. 
Vitamin D Quilt Bee 2022- Francine gave an overview of this for the year. Please contact her for more information. 
Programs for 2022 
This is still being finalized, hope to have 2022 calendar for February’s meeting. February meeting will feature Cynthia Horst, giving us for Tips & tricks for Free-Motion Quilting on your Domestic Machine. 

Show & Share: A video was shared by Cynthia Horst, showcasing the fun she had with her family as she made quilts for all her grandchildren this past year. Such a touching video, that spot-lighted why we do what we do! Thank you, Cynthia for sharing. Find the Video on her Instagram page: @DreamQuiltCreate

Meeting closed by the Secretary at 2:45.