January 2023 Meeting Minutes

PHXMQG Meeting Minutes- January 14 , 2023

In Person only meeting at the Pyle Center with 51 people in attendance.  

Board Members present: Erika Daniels, Elisabet Hannafin,  Cindy Stohn,  Michelle Jensen and Kristin Floyd. Absent: Candace Lannon

President Erika Daniels opened the meeting at 1:10pm

Welcome & information from President Erika Daniels- who welcomed all to our  PHXMQG monthly meeting. It was great to see so many people in person! The tables were all full and we had to get our more chairs (again)! We had a few new members present, we welcomed them to the guild! New members were encouraged to reach out to the Board with any questions. 

Secretary Report

  • November Minutes were posted to website. 
  •  Motion for Approval of the November Minutes was made by Cynthia Horst, second by Michelle Jensen,  Minutes approved. 

Treasurer’s Report: As of December, 2022:

First, we presented Cindy with a Quilt in appreciation for her 2 years of service in the Treasurer position, and for her continued service in that role! Cindy has graciously agreed to complete another term! Thank you, Cindy for taking care of the guild finances!

  • Currently $12,129.18 in bank and 1372.29 in PayPal Account. 
  • Expenses included programs, holiday party. 
  • Passive fund raising via Smile Amazon and Fry’s. Cindy working to get Target approved.
  • Treasurer report linked below for month of December:
  • 12_2022 Treasurer Report

Overview of Upcoming Year/Programs:

There will be 4 Virtual Meetings, 2 Challenges, 1 Demo Day, 1 sale, several Sew days and 10 Sew & Chats.  We have opted not to offer hybrid meetings at this time. 

Sew & Chats will be the 4th Saturday of the month from 1-3 (Not offered in November or December). Email link for this Zoom will be sent out at the beginning of the week prior to the Saturday. 

Challenges: Make it Modern will be in September- virtual. Traditional Block made modern, where members are given 3 hours to complete mini quilt, winner gets free membership for following year! Second challenge will be a Fusing Challenge, that can be brought to December Holiday party. 

Programs Coordinator Claire Victor has done an amazing job of lining up speakers, Demos, Make & Takes for 2023! We were able to preview several of the projects, including the sock monkey, mini-cactus wall hangings and fusible projects. See website for 2023 Line up, it includes so many great events! A huge thank you to Claire for lining up so many fun things for us in 2023!

Raffles- Laura Flagler will be organizing raffles this year, and she passed around a sign up sheet to give members a chance to donate items & put together baskets. Remember to bring your cash for raffles! There will surely be some great items!

Social Events: Erika took time to acknowledge Michelle Jensen for her work with the December Holiday party! So much good food and gifts! And if  you want your PHXMQG key chain, Michelle has extras if you missed the party!

Michelle is looking for feedback on the holiday party, and ideas for next year. She also asked if there was interest in a Quilting Retreat. Raise of hands indicated yes! Michelle is open to ideas. 

 Community outreach

  • Diana Jacobson talked about ways that guild members could help, either cutting fabric for “kits”, binding, piecing or quilting. Please reach out to Diana if you would like to be involved. At each meeting there are opportunities to pick up quilts, drop them off, etc. Diana promoted the “Community Sew Days” for charity that are available once a month in Scottsdale, and that she is planning for a few before general meetings in 2023 at the Pyle Center. First one will be on Saturday, Jan 28, 2023 from 9-11 at the Pyle Center. 
  • Many items were shared during Show & Share that were ready to be donated to Charity, which included some that were not traditional Quilts, but table runners, etc. 
  •  BOM is free to members; Lucky Cuff  written by Dorie Blaisdell is the FREE pattern for this year, and Barb Brandt is leading BOM this year! The pattern is posted on website, and we will be working in rows again with this one. There are options for a “dark” or “light” version, depending on the background you like. 
  • Barb shared that this month is pick your fabric, and for February, It is Row 5 
  • https://phxmqg.com/category/block-of-the-month/
  • A huge thank you to Kim for leading us through Dear Gunta in 2022. Several members had their quilts finished and displayed, the colors and differences in quilting were all amazing! Such a BIG quilt, and they were all lovely!
Block lotto- Andi Stanfield
  • January Block Lotto winner was Laura Flagler! 
  • February Blocks- Send pictures to Andi since we are meeting virtually.  It is the Heart this month, and there are 2 options listed on website. Please use Dark Black or Grey background with Red/Pink hearts.  
  • For each block you make, you will receive one chance to win the all the blocks entered. You receive an extra chance (6 chances) for every five blocks.

Sol Bee 2023- 

Sol Bee will be led by Francine Taylor ([email protected]). Please contact Francine for more information, there is still time to join. 

Door Prizes! Carol Dempsey was the lucky winner of a $25 Gift card to Quilt store of her choice! 

Show & Share: Many of our members showed off their recent finished, including many for Charity. So much talent in this group. Remember to fill out paper form at the sign in table to go with  your items, so that we can give credit if shared on Social Media platforms. It was a bonus to see the Show & Share AND the DEAR GUNTA finishes!

Directory Update

  • Log into the PHXMQG.com site under My Account
  • https://phxmqg.com/my-account/
  • Hover on My Account and click on Membership Directory – it may take a little time to load
  • To help find your friends, you can sort members by name, email, address, city, and state
  • If you are not listed in the directory, click on the “Click button to add yourself” to fill out the form
  • Remember – ONLY PHXMQG members can see this information

Next meeting is February 11, 2023 at 1pm, Virtual Meeting with Brita Nelson of The Questioning Quilter. 

Meeting closed by the Erika at 3:10 PM