July & August 2023 BOM

July & August 2023 BOM Details

Goal: Horseshoe Blocks (Rows 2 & 8)

Now for something a little different! The pattern directions follow, but **if you have been saving the trimmed triangles from the diamond blocks, these blocks will make use of the background fabric triangles. The focus fabric can also possibly be used depending on your focus fabric/fabrics.

Horseshoe Blocks (Rows 2 & 8)
1. Sew a background strip 3″ x WOF to a focus fabric strip strip 3″ x WOF along the long edge. Repeat until you have 2 strip sets. Press seams toward the focus fabric strips.
2. Sew a focus fabric strip to the other long edge of each background strip. Repeat until you have 2 strip sets. Press seams toward the focus fabric strips.
3. Subcut these “striped” pieces into (14) 5½” x 8″ units.
4. Using the Half Square Triangle (HST) method included on page 9, make (32) HSTs using (8) 5″ squares of both background and focus fabric. **see note above
5. Trim HSTs to 3″.
6. Sew one HST to each side of a 3″ periwinkle square, ensuring the pieces are sewn together as shown in the figure 1. Press seams toward the periwinkle square.
7. Sew the 5½” striped units to the “U” bottom units from step 6. Repeat to make (14) 8″ square Horseshoe Blocks.

To sew the partial Horseshoe Blocks:
1. In each partial unit, the angle of the HST goes in a different direction. Reference the pattern pic.

Don’t forget to post your progress!

#phxmqgBOM2023   #luckycuffphxmqg