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August 2022 Meeting Minutes
PHXMQG Meeting Minutes- August 13 , 2022
Hybrid meeting with 59 people in attendance, 41 in person which included 8 guests and 18 people attending virtually. Great to see so many people in person, and so many guests! We had to get more chairs!
Board Members present: Laura Flagler, Candace Lannon, Elisabet Hannafin, Cindy Stohn, Erika Daniels and Kristin Floyd.
President Laura Flagler opened the meeting at 1:05pm
Welcome & information from President Laura Flagler- Laura welcomed all to our Hybrid PHXMQG monthly meeting.
Laura provided information about the October 29 Virtual Workshop. Improv Log Cabin block with Cindy Grisdela will be from 10a-2p. There are 36 spots open, cost is 15$ per person, with remaining cost being funded by the guild. Sign ups will be first come, first serve, beginning Monday, August 15, 2022.
Open Positions: President and Treasurer Positions are open for the coming year. Information about job responsibilities are available on website in Bylaws, and in Policy & Procedure Manual. Please also feel free to reach out to anyone on the board for more information about the positions!
September will be our Make It Modern Challenge. Challenge will be announced one week prior to the meeting. Watch newsletter for more information. The meeting will be virtual and the Challenge will be from 9:30-12:30, with voting taking place during the meeting after the challenge.
Eight Guests attended the meeting- Welcome!
Maddy Nichols, Susan Sikora, Mary McElvain, Jenelle Boyd, Gretchen McDowell, Patricia Grahmann, Kathi Martin and Susan Parker
PHXMQG Summer Splash Destash (Continued)
- Thanks to all who have shopped! It has been a big success.
- August meeting we continued the sale by selling fabric and notions as one of our main fund raising events for PHXMQG
- This event raises money we can use for guild programs
Secretary Report
- No minutes from July, since it was only the Summer Splash Destash, with no formal business meeting.
- Motion for Approval of the June Minutes was made by Barb Tatera, and seconded by Carrie Bawolek.
Treasurer’s Report: As of August, 2022:
- Currently $10,464.23 in bank
- Expenses included programs, charity and rent for Pyle Center.
- Passive fund raising via Smile Amazon and Frys. Cindy working to get Target approved
- Treasurer report linked below for month of August.
- 08_2022 Treasurer Report
Directory Update
- Log into the site under My Account
- Hover on My Account and click on Membership Directory – it may take a little time to load
- To help find your friends, you can sort members by name, email, address, city, and state
- If you are not listed in the directory, click on the “Click button to add yourself” to fill out the form
- Remember – ONLY PHXMQG members can see this information
Community outreach
- So far in 2022, 53 quilts have been made and have been donated, or in process of being donated! 19 other items have also been created for donation. Such a great show of support to our larger community.
- Bonnie announced that she will be stepping down as Charity quilt chairperson. Bonnie has done an amazing job over the past 7 years and we are so grateful for her service to the guild and community.
- If you have a desire to step in to lead this group of wonderful talent, please connect with someone on the board!
- If you are interested in leading the Community Outreach Quilt for Quiltcon, reach out to Bonnie to let her know. We would need to submit design idea by October, 2022. Quiltcon is in Atlanta in February, 2023.
Swaps 2022
- Check out the website for details Swaps Info 2022
- BOM is free to members; the quilt is called “Dear Gunta” a pattern by Carrie Strine.
- Kim shared this month’s blocks. July Block: Row 6, and August is making Row 6, 8 and combining Rows 5-8 to make the completed middle section.
- Free to everyone – participation is voluntary to make a quilt for themselves, one row per month
- It was noted there is a correction for Block 6, and it is listed on the website.
- Rich & Patti Shared July Block was Jam Jars and August was Scrappy Star. Susan Taubel was the lucky winner of 43 blocks!
- Please send photos and number of entries to Patti
- For each block you make, you will receive one chance to win the all the blocks entered. You receive an extra chance (6 chances) for every five blocks.
- Block Lotto Info 2022
Sol Bee 2022
August Program Event
- True Blue Quilts, our very own Andi Stanfield!
- Andi showed us a variety of her many of her patterns, and did a Trunk show sharing so many variations of the same blocks done in various layouts. Her book, AnglePlay the Easy Way, is available on Amazon or her website:
- Andi used half rectangle triangles in so many of her quilts in such a variety of ways. Templates can be purchased also from her website to use in a variety of ways.
- A huge thank you to Andi, and her mom for the lovely Trunk Show and introduction to Angles!
Show & Share
- Many people shared lovely quilts during Show & Share, including several that were sewed for Charity. Such a talented and passionate group of quilters!
Meeting closed by the Laura at 3:45 PM
Recent Comments
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- Vicki Kratovil on February Block – Woven Together
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- Elisabet Hannafin on 2025 Block of the Month – Choose Your Own Adventure
- Jen Brown on 2025 Block of the Month – Choose Your Own Adventure
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- Kim Davis on February 2022 BOM
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