June 2022 Meeting Minutes

PHXMQG Meeting Minutes- June 11 , 2022

Hybrid meeting with 67 people in attendance. 

Board Members present: Laura Flagler, Candace Lannon, Elisabet Hannafin, and Cindy Stohn.  Erika Daniels and Kristin Floyd excused.

President Laura Flagler opened the meeting at 1:05pm

Welcome & information from President Laura Flagler- Laura welcomed all to our Hybrid PHXMQG monthly meeting. 

Laura mentioned that Violets Protest is looking for support, go to website for more information. 

Open Positions: President and Secretary Positions are open for the coming year. Information about job responsibilities are available on website Bylaws, and in Policy & Procedure Manual. 

Logo: One entry submitted by Janice Davis. She chose “Monsoon” them and Laura and Elisbet will be digitizing it to be used for Logo items for the guild. 

Two Guests: Marsha Strom, friend of Maya Cox and Sara Hinz, a friend of Kelli Donnelly.

PHXMQG Summer Splash Destash

  • Contact Cindy S for guild sale
  • https://phxmqg.com/events/2022-summer-splash-destash/
  • July meeting we will be selling fabric and notions as one of our main fund raising events for PHXMQG
  • This event raises money we can use for guild programs
  • Bring books to the July sale directly
  • Bring fabric and notions to the June meeting so they can be sorted and tagged

Secretary Report

  • Minutes from May posted on website

Treasurer’s Report: 

  • 121 members as of June  11
  • Currently $7915.09 in bank
  • Expenses included domain renewal.
  • Passive fund raising via Smile Amazon and Frys. Cindy working to get Target approved
  • 2022_06 PHXMQG Treasurer Report

Directory Update

  • Log into the PHXMQG.com site under My Account
  • https://phxmqg.com/my-account/
  • Hover on My Account and click on Membership Directory – it may take a little time to load
  • To help find your friends, you can sort members by name, email, address, city, and state
  • If you are not listed in the directory, click on the “Click button to add yourself” to fill out the form
  • Remember – ONLY PHXMQG members can see this information

Community outreach

  • For those that have organizations they would like the guild to donate to, you will need to act as the liaison between the guild and that org. Reach Out to Bonnie for more information.
  • If you are interested in leading the Community Outreach Quilt for Quiltcon, reach out to Bonnie to let her know. We would need to submit design idea by October, 2022. Quiltcon is in Atlanta in February, 2023.
  • Cluck Cluck Sew has a new pattern that is available  to guild members if you email Cindy, it is to be used for Outreach Quilts. 
  • https://phxmqg.com/phxmqg-community-outreach/

Swaps 2022

  • Kim shared this month’s BOM is free to members; the quilt is called “Dear Gunta” a pattern by Carrie Strine. 
  • June Blocks 5 & 7 were squares, and members shared their progress in person. 
  • Free to everyone – participation is voluntary to make a quilt for themselves, one row per month
  • It was noted there is a correction for Block 6, and it is listed on the website. 
  • https://phxmqg.com/category/block-of-the-month/
Block lotto
  • Shared June block (Wonky Fireworks- Winner was Francine!)
  • Previewed and demo’d how to make July block (Canning Jar, request to use Black background for consistency)
  • Please send photos and number of entries to Patti
  • For each block you make, you will receive one chance to win the all the blocks entered. You receive an extra chance (6 chances) for every five blocks.
  • https://phxmqg.com/category/2022_block_lottery/ Block Lotto Info 2022

Sol Bee 2022


June Program Event

  •  Laura F did a demo 5″x5” inspiration quilts to spur creativity. She encouraged members to use things from their day, their travels, or things they experience. Laura did an impromptu design representing the guild, very colorful. She had her 5×5 neutral square with batting behind it, and then a backing 1/2 inch bigger. She demonstrated using glue to adhere the fabric to her square. Once she had all the pieces glued down, she used veriegated thread and sewed in a random patten. She wrapped the backing around for a border, then used some yarn to add texture, and sewed that down. It is a great way to use scraps and use creative energy to put something together over time. Thank you, Laura!
Door Prize
  • Kelly D won the beautiful bag that was made by Laura. 
  • 5 raffle prizes were also given out to both in person and online participants. 

Show & Share

  • Many people shared lovely quilts during Show & Share, including several that were sewed for Charity. Such a talented and passionate group of quilters!

Meeting closed by the Laura at 3:45 PM