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November 2023 Meeting Minutes –
PHXMQG Meeting Minutes- November 11, 2023
Virtual meeting, 1p-3pm via Zoom. 36 people attended virtually.
Board Members present: Erika Daniels, Cindy Stohn, Kristin Floyd, Michelle Jensen and Elisabet Hannafin. Excused/Absent Candace Lannon.
President Erika Daniels opened the meeting at 1:05 pm
Welcome & information from President Erika Daniels- who welcomed all to our PHXMQG monthly meeting. New members and guests were welcomed.
Program : Telling our Quilt Stories – Frances O’Roark Dowell.
Laura Flagler introduced Frances. Frances discussed some of the reasons we want to pay attention to how our quilts “Tell a story”. She discussed the various approaches quilters take, and the importance of making sure to label the quilt, and listen to others when they share the quilt. Maybe it was made during a certain season of life, maybe it was made for someone else for a season in life. Listen to one another as they share the details of how the quilt came to be. Frances is an author of many children’s books, and also has a story called “Quilt fiction” that is a podcast. More information can be found on our Website.
Business Portion:
Tech Chairs News– new items listed in shop, hats, canvas bags and new T-Shirts. Be sure to check out the PHXMQG swag! Perhaps a gift for a fellow guild member for Christmas?!
Secretary Report
- Minutes for October meeting posted to website.
- Motion for Approval of the October Minutes was made by Sarah Hinz , second by Michelle Jensen. Minutes approved.
Other Information from the Secretary:
Quiltcon Charity Quilt– Update– The quilt top is finished, sent to Erynn for quilting. Will get the quilt to Kathy O’Brian for binding. Quilt top photo submitted to MQG, and they confirmed we have a spot.
2022 Charity Quilt that did not sell at Quiltcon- The board has decided to raffle this quilt within the guild, as it was intended to bring in Charity money for Navajo Quilt. Raffle tickets can be bought online on our website, or bring cash to our December Holiday party or January meeting. 5$ each or $50 for 12 tickets. Winner of the Quilt will be drawn in January.
Treasurer’s Report: As of November 2023:
- Currently $13,916.11 in bank and 1259.45 in PayPal Account, Total Assets $15,175.56 (Final $$ from Destash Sale was $3400)
- Expenses year to date included programs, Community service, Door Prizes, Pyle center rent and Zoom costs.
- Passive fund raising Fry’s. Cindy working to get Target approved. Members are encouraged to sign up for Fry’s.
- Treasurer report linked below for month of November.
- 11_2023 PHXMQG Treasurer Report
Annual Dues for 2024: The executive board has decided to keep the dues the same (45$/Year). Membership for 2024 will be made available on website on 11/1/23. Members can pay dues beginning then.
From the President: With board positions filled, we are also looking toward interest in other open spots. Erynn Truex has agreed to help with Programs for 2024-5. Majority of programs are set for 2024, so she will be able to ease in, with the great work that Claire has done to get us some great programs!
Erynn has also agreed to help with hospitality and sunshine, but there is room for more helpers in this area! Please talk with anyone on the board or Erynn if you are interested. Hospitality & Sunshine can be whatever we make it! Birthday recognition, new baby recognition, and thank you Notes to members are a few ideas!
Raffles for 2024– Laura Flagler will once again coordinate this effort, with sign ups going around at the meeting for 2024, she is also looking for Door Helpers to make the sign in & raffle ticket process smoother. Sign up for a month to help out!
Other items of interest from members:
Michelle will be coordinating Holiday party this year, more information to come. Holiday party will be on December 9 at the Kiwanis Park in Tempe. Be sure to watch for details in November newsletter!
Overview of Programs for 2023:
There will be 4 Virtual Meetings, 2 Challenges, 1 Demo Day, 1 sale, several Sew days and 10 Sew & Chats. We have opted not to offer hybrid meetings at this time.
It was also mentioned that if there is desire from members to bring in other (above & beyond regular programs) lectures or programs, that members could reach out to their favorite quilter to get information about cost/availability. We will coordinate with Erynn/The Board to determine what else we can do, based on room rental or zoom. We have money in our bank account that we would like to be able to enjoy some fun events!
Sew & Chats – No remaining in 2023, due to Holidays.
Challenges: Flower Fusion Challenges should be brought to December Holiday party. There will be entry gifts, and a drawing for one person to get a $50 gift card to Quilt store of their choice!
Community outreach
- Kristin & Pam are co-leading Quiltcon 2024 Charity Quilt. Members were able to complete blocks today during the charity Sew. We had 14 people from the guild participate. Submission was done on October 15, price listed was $400. We will attempt to bring quilted quilt to Holiday party for the guild to see.
- In 2023, Dianna reported that we donated 163 items to our various charities, with 35 total members contributing in some way. That is outstanding! Thank you to Dianna for her continued leadership in this role!
- For our Community Outreach, our Guild members can help, either cutting fabric for “kits”, binding, piecing or quilting. Please reach out to Diana Jacobson if you would like to be involved. At each meeting there are opportunities to pick up quilts, drop them off, etc.
Block of the Month
- BOM is free to members; Lucky Cuff written by Dorie Blaisdell is the FREE pattern for this year, and Barb Brandt is leading BOM this year! The pattern is posted on website, and we will be working in rows again with this one. There are options for a “dark” or “light” version, depending on the background you like.
- This month November is for catch up, Sashing and sewing rows together :
- November : Flocks of Tall Geese Blocks. No blocks this month.
- December Blocks: Windows. Bring blocks to December meeting.
- For each block you make, you will receive one chance to win the all the blocks entered. You receive an extra chance (6 chances) for every five blocks.
Sol Bee 2023- Exchange took place.
Sol Bee is led by Francine Taylor ([email protected]). Please contact Francine for more information, there is still time to join.
Directory Update
- Log into the site under My Account
- Hover on My Account and click on Membership Directory – it may take a little time to load
- To help find your friends, you can sort members by name, email, address, city, and state
- If you are not listed in the directory, click on the “Click button to add yourself” to fill out the form
- Remember – ONLY PHXMQG members can see this information
Next meeting is our Holiday Party at Kiwanis Park in Tempe from 1-3pm.
Meeting closed by the Erika at 2:45 pm.
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