September 2023 Meeting Minutes –

PHXMQG Meeting Minutes- September 9 , 2023

Virtual Meeting with Make it Modern Challenge- 9:30-12:30 followed by Business meeting 1p-3pm 

Board Members present: Erika Daniels,  Cindy Stohn,  Kristin Floyd,  Candace Lannon, Michelle Jensen and Elisabet Hannafin. 

President Erika Daniels opened the meeting at 1:05 pm

Welcome & information from President Erika Daniels- who welcomed all to our  PHXMQG monthly meeting.  

Name Tags-  Members are encouraged to make name tags to help us get to know one another! 

The guild is still looking for those to help with Sunshine & Hospitality, for member care, birthday recognition, Member spotlight. Let anyone from the board know if you can help or want more information. 

Business Portion

Tech Chairs News– new items listed in shop, hats, canvas bags and new T-Shirts. Be sure to check out the PHXMQG swag!

Affiliate Links created for members. See website. 

Secretary Report

  •  Minutes for August posted to website. 
  •  Motion for Approval of the August Minutes was made by Sarah Hinz , second by Andi Stanfield. Minutes approved. 

Treasurer’s Report: As of September 2023:

  • Currently $15083.46 in bank and 865.21 in PayPal Account, Total Assets $15,948.67.
  • Expenses year to date included programs, Community service, Door Prizes, Pyle center rent and Zoom costs. 
  • Passive fund raising Fry’s. Cindy working to get Target approved. Members are encouraged  to sign up for Fry’s. 
  • Treasurer report linked below for month of September :2023_09 PHXMQG Treasury report – Detail

From the President:  As part of our Bylaws, we need to vote for Executive Board for the coming year: 

Open: Vice President (Currently Michelle Jensen) – Michelle has decided she would like to complete another Two Year term for Vice President.  President asked for approval of another 2 year term for Michelle Jensen, all 32 members in attendance voted to approve. 

Secretary, (currently Kristin Floyd). Pam Meylor has agreed to take the vacant Secretary Position for 2 years. President motioned for approval for Pam Meylor to be Secretary for 2024-2025. All 32 members present approved with yes votes. 

Tech (Currently Candace). Elisabet Hannafin has agreed to move into the Tech position for 2 years. President motioned for approval for Elisabet Hannafin to be Tech Chair for 2024-25. All 32 members present approved with yes votes.

Annual Dues for 2024: The executive board has decided to keep the dues the same (45$/Year) Erika called for a membership vote for Dues to remain. All in attendance voted, by raise of hands to keep PHXMQG dues at 45$. 

Program :  Make it Modern Challenge Block: The chosen Block was 54-40 of Fight block. 

Many members joined for Sew -In, and 8 of our members participated in the Make it Modern Challenge.  Guidelines were to “Make it Modern” . Keeping one original element, and quilt mini needed to be 12×12 or larger, but it needs to be pieced, quilted and bound all in 3 hours. The only pre-work that was allowed was cutting fabric. All were required to send pictures to Candance right at 12:30 (time up). Members were shown all finished blocks and there was a vote for the Winner. Laura Flagler was the winner, Congratulations! All of them were so different, and just lovely in their own ways! Thank you to all who participated and those that were there to cheer on their fellow quilters!

Other items of interest from members: 

Margaret Simmons talked about the Desert Botanical Gardens call to action, making small flag like designs for the DBQ, for more information reach out to Margaret. 

Arizona Quilters Guild opens up their site on October 1, 2023 for the March 2024 Quilt show.

Several of our members were recognized for their work at The Great Wisconsin Quilt Show, presented by PBS Wisconsin and Nancy Zieman Productions. (Sept 7-9, 2023). Bonnie Bobman was honored for 2nd place Hand Quilted Bed size, Grandmothers Flower Garden Quilt. Claire Victor – Honorable Mention for “Tumbling Down” . Penny Boose and Cindy Stohn also has juried quilts in the show. 

Michelle will be coordinating Holiday party this year, she also took a poll to to determine interest in Swaps at the holiday party. More information to come about the Holiday party. 

Overview of Programs for 2023:

There will be 4 Virtual Meetings, 2 Challenges, 1 Demo Day, 1 sale, several Sew days and 10 Sew & Chats.  We have opted not to offer hybrid meetings at this time. 

It was also mentioned that if there is desire from members to bring in other (above & beyond regular programs) lectures or programs, that members could reach out to their favorite quilter  to get information about cost/availability. We will coordinate with Claire/The Board to determine what else we can do, based on room rental or zoom. We have money in our bank account that we would like to be able to enjoy some fun events!

Reminder to sign up for Carolyn Oneto Workshop that is on Saturday, October 28, which will be Curves & Transparencies. This is only $25 for members! There will be NO Sew & Chat on that Saturday. 

Sew & Chats will be the 4th Saturday of the month from 1-3 (Not offered in October, November or December). Email link for this Zoom will be sent out at the beginning of the week prior to the Saturday. 

Challenges: Make it Modern will be in September- virtual. Traditional Block made modern, where members are given 3 hours to complete mini quilt, winner gets free membership for following year! Second challenge will be a Fusing Challenge, that can be brought to December Holiday party. 

 Community outreach

  • Guild members can help, either cutting fabric for “kits”, binding, piecing or quilting. Please reach out to Diana Jacobson if you would like to be involved. At each meeting there are opportunities to pick up quilts, drop them off, etc. 
  • Kristin asked for interest via a Zoom Survey during meeting for interest in participating in the QuiltCon Charity Quilt Challenge.  Since there was a lot of interest from members, this will be pursued with Kristin Floyd and Pam Meylor leading the efforts. If you are interested in helping, there will be Quilt block kits at the October meeting, for those interested in helping. The pattern chosen is Leaded Light by Amy Schelle. Here is a link to her website.
  • Here is a link to the information from MQG with the Color Palette, the Charities that will be supported and design/logistical Information:

Block of the Month

  •  BOM is free to members; Lucky Cuff  written by Dorie Blaisdell is the FREE pattern for this year, and Barb Brandt is leading BOM this year! The pattern is posted on website, and we will be working in rows again with this one. There are options for a “dark” or “light” version, depending on the background you like. 
  •  This month September are Rows 1 & 8 Plus Blocks :
Block lotto- Andi Stanfield
  • October: Split 9 patch Blocks. Bring your blocks in person to Andi! 
  • For each block you make, you will receive one chance to win the all the blocks entered. You receive an extra chance (6 chances) for every five blocks.

Sol Bee 2023- Exchange took place. 

Sol Bee is led by Francine Taylor ([email protected]). Please contact Francine for more information, there is still time to join. 

 Directory Update

  • Log into the site under My Account
  • Hover on My Account and click on Membership Directory – it may take a little time to load
  • To help find your friends, you can sort members by name, email, address, city, and state
  • If you are not listed in the directory, click on the “Click button to add yourself” to fill out the form
  • Remember – ONLY PHXMQG members can see this information

October meeting is Saturday, October 14 from 1-3, with Open Sew from 9-1. Bring something to sew, or charity quilt work can be completed, too. Quiltcon Charity Quilt block kits will also be available to sew. The program is Fusible Flowers with Claire and Cindy, with finished product Show & Tell at the Holiday party. Supply list & information on website under Events page. 

Meeting closed by the Erika at 2:30pm.