To Boston with Love–Flag Making Anyone?

Limbania has brought it to my attention that the Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild has put out a call to other modern quilt guilds to participate in a project they are calling “To Boston With Love” which is a collaborative effort to bring peace and love from far and wide to the folks in Boston in the wake of recent events there. They are planning a public exhibition of flags strung into banners that will be displayed in Boston – hopefully by early June 2013.  If anyone wants to participate, I will contact the coordinator and let her know Phoenix will be sending flags to them. 
Please go to this page to get directions, a blog button and further details (and comment here so I will know if you are interested).  In order to mail the flags to meet their deadline, I will be collecting them at the May meeting–so we only have a few weeks to get sewing the flags!  There is even a tutorial for the love flag here if you want to make that one.
Be sure to let me know if you are joining in and I will let them know how many flags we will be sending 🙂 Angela