

January 2017 Meeting Minutes

January 21, 2017 1-4pm Mulqueen’s Sewing Center (Mesa) Welcome Introduction of new members & guests Guests: Laurie Gailey, Christina Nuckols New members: Kim Johnson, Valerie Bledso Secretary Report Approval of December 2016  meeting minutes Other announcements Mulqueen’s handed out 15%…

February 2017 Block Lottery

Feelin’ lucky Phoenix? Come to the February meeting and take your chances on our first ever Block Lottery! Here’s how it works… A free-pattern block is chosen for every one to make in advance of the Lottery meeting You can…

2017 Membership Dues

Have you officially signed up for the guild in 2017? Click here to fill out our membership form and make sure to continue to the payment page to complete your registration. Local membership benefits include discounts at several local quilt…