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January 2013 Meeting Minutes
This is a long post, but if you were not at the meeting please make sure you read through the section about the chairs’ ideas. If you want to sign up for the mug rug swap, please let Chelsa (or Alyssa) know ASAP since it happens next meeting.
If you want to sign up for the BEE the deadline is February 2nd and sign ups will be closed if you haven’t notified Danny (or Alyssa) by midnight Feb. 2nd. Other sign ups are a bit more flexible.
Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes
Date: January 17, 2013
How many people present 28 (Angela counted, Lisa can you confirm from sign in?)
23 members and 5 guests
1:00 PM Welcome and social time
1:25 PM Call to Order
Announcements: Tiffany welcomed everyone and got the meeting going. She thanked Bonnie for bringing us a beautiful cake decorated with our logo for snack today.
Secretary’s Report:
Meeting minutes from Dec. 15, 2012 were approved and seconded.
Treasurer’s Report-Lisa reported that we have 23 members, official report next month on the finances.
President’s Report-Tiffany Membership Cards, those who joined got their cards today. Discount list to follow.
Chairperson/Committee Reports: none
Unfinished Business: February meeting will be on our regular day and time and at Jona’s house in Gilbert. Jona’s address will be emailed to the members. We will have a charity sew in and work on drawstring bags and backpacks. If you can, please bring your extension cords and we need some ironing boards for the day as well. (Irons too?).
March-We will meet up at the AQG quilt show at 10 AM time on Saturday March 16th (9-4) for our March meeting since it falls on the same day. Will plan to go somewhere nearby for lunch at noon. Admission is $10.00 unless you are an AQG Member then it is $5.00 pay as you arrive and get your hand stamped, then look for us outside the doors near the food area and tables and we can enter as a group.
We are still working on picking a day between the March and April meeting day to hold our Demonstration Day.
New Business: The following information about chairs and snowbirds was approved and seconded to ADD TO THE BYLAWS:
All Chairs General Info from Bylaws:
· In the event a chair is unable to attend a meeting s/he has a responsibility at, it is his/her job to secure a sub and to notify the president of the absence and who the replacement is.
Challenge of the Month Chairperson
Shall select and announce the challenge of the month at each meeting for the following month
Shall select and announce the challenge of the month at each meeting for the following month
§ Promotes the challenge of the month on the blog and on other social media sites
Workshop Chairperson
§ Plans and organizes a “30 minute demonstration day” where members teach and learn about various topics
Quiltalong Chair
§ Organizes a quiltalong at least once per year either in person or virtual via the blog and social media.
§ Keeps a list of quiltalongs and promotes the activity.
§ Keeps a list of who is participating in the quiltalongs.
Hospitality/Snack Chair
Keeps a jar for member questions on the welcome table.
This would be added to Article 4 underneath Guests-
Special Passes-
In an effort to welcome and accommodate individuals who desire to participate in the Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild but who are part-time/seasonal residents of Phoenix, Arizona the following type of memberships will be available effective January 1, 2013, and issued at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Part-time/Seasonal Pass:
The PhxMQG offers Part-time/Seasonal passes to individuals who are not residents of Phoenix, Arizona but who would like to participate in the PhxMQG when they are in Phoenix. Part-time/Seasonal passes allow the individual admittance to 3 PMQG meetings or events held throughout the calendar year and cost $15.00/calendar year. An individual with a Part-time/Seasonal pass will be responsible to pay any additional meeting fees that are also required of general members (i.e., special fees for guest speakers or workshops). If a Part-time/Seasonal member plans on attending more than 3 events, a general membership must be purchased. An individual who resides in Phoenix for more than 3 months out of the calendar year will be considered a full-time resident. These individuals will be ineligible for a Part-time/Seasonal pass and will be required to purchase a general membership.
Individuals with a Part-time/Seasonal pass are not permitted to vote in any general membership meetings or any other special meetings or elections held by the PMQG or the Executive Board. They are also not able to hold any position within the PMQG. If a Part-time/Seasonal member wishes to vote on any matters or hold a position within the PMQG, they must upgrade their Part-time/Seasonal pass to a general membership and abide by the requirements set forth within Article 4 General Membership.
Activity: Chairs presented their ideas and members sign up for activities
Quiltalong Chairs–Kirsten and Tracy
They will be posting a step by step tutorial/directions for a Drunkard’s Path every two weeks or so in March and April. It will be a virtual quiltalong and members can choose the size, colors, layout etc. and we will be able to see what our members create. You will need a template of some sort for this, you can order it on your own, we can ask one of our members to make them so we can purchase from her, you can even trace one out on cardboard or template material. A sign up went around, but you can still be added to the list—contact Kirsten, Tracy (or Tiffany).
Hospitality/Snack Chair—Bonnie
Two people a month will be assigned on a rotating basis to provide a snack for our meetings. Bonnie will email the list out as well as a reminder. The list will be on the welcome table as you come in, please check when you are assigned and see who else is assigned that month so the two of you can coordinate something a bit more healthy with someone that isn’t so healthy, etc. If you are unable to bring snack the month you are assigned, you can switch with someone and coordinate with Bonnie. We have a Treasure Table-you can bring things in for other members to take if the item interests them and there is a tip jar on it as well. You can put cool tips or questions in it and we will get to them as we have time. Please remember to sign in as you arrive and wear your name tags or get a sticker at the table.
Workshop Chair–Gina and Cristy
Cristy presented since Gina was out of town. They will let us know the date for demo day (between the March and April meeting days) soon. Please email Gina (or Lisa) if you want to sign up to teach that day or on a future day and let her know what you want to demo. Tentatively Cristy will demo free motion quilting and or applique, we need someone to demo paper piecing, machine set up, needle and thread choice, etc.
Challenge of the Month Chair—Cristy
There will be a challenge each quarter. The first challenge is due in April. The Pantone color of the year is emerald and the challenge will be based on that color—you must use the emerald color in your project. What the project is, is up to each quilter. It can be anything from a wall hanging to a tote-bag, or an ironing board cover or a quilt. It should be finished in order to be eligible for prizes. Three more challenges will be announced this year. There will be a blog post about each as they are announced.
Event and Swap Chair—Chelsa
Alyssa presented since Chelsa couldn’t be at the meeting. We will do every other month swaps this first year (mug rugs in February, Pincushions in April, Zipper Block Swap in June, Pouches in August, Pillows in October, and Fabric in December). Our first swap is mug rugs. A sign in sheet went around for the mug rugs—if you want to join in on this please contact Chelsa (or Alyssa) ASAP. Your mug rug should be sqaureish and 5 or 6 inches in size. It should have a binding on it like a mini quilt. There is an inspiration board already started at you want to see some ideas. We will draw names or something like that to swap. There will be a blog post about each swap ahead of time so look for that. We will not be doing a retreat or camp this year officially, but members are encouraged to set them up with each other on their own.
Bee Keeper—Danny is the Bee Mama and the first Bee Queen. She presented the following: Quilting Bee Guidelines and Rules
This Quilting Bee will be created to build skill sets, create community among members of the Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild (PHXMQG) and produce amazing quilts!
General Information:
Quilting bees started as a way to quickly make a quilt to be used for some special reason. Be it a wedding quilt, a charity quilt or a quilt for a loved one, the concept allows for many people to work together to create a quilt in presumably less time than it would take just one person to complete.
Most quilting bees elapse over one calendar year. There are 12 members who each take turns coordinating one month, thus reducing the strain this would place on any one person. The coordinator of the month is referred to as a “Queen”. Before their month arrives, the Queen is responsible for creating a detailed tutorial featuring the block they would like the other members to make as well as collecting the fabric of their choice to give to each collaborator. During the month, the bees create the block then return the completed block and remainder fabric to the Queen for that month. The Queen should receive enough blocks during her month to create an entire quilt top. This repeats throughout the year until all members have had a turn to have blocks made for them.
PHXMQG Quilting Bee Rules:
-All blocks must be machine sewn unless specified otherwise by the month’s Queen.
-All fabrics necessary to complete the block must be included in the kit given to the other members. Queens must ensure they have allotted the proper amount of each fabric in each kit. Kits must include fabric, tutorial and any special tools needed to complete the block.
-All Queens must have fabrics and tutorials prepared in advance and ready to hand out at the PHXMQG meeting PRIOR to her designated month. For example, if Tiffany is Queen in February, she will need to have all her kits prepared to hand out at the January meeting. The other members of the bee will then have until the February meeting to create the blocks for Tiffany.
-Blocks must be delivered to the month’s Queen at the meeting for the month. For example, Danny is Queen in February. All her blocks must be turned in at the February meeting.
-Queens must make their own block prior to printing out a tutorial for the other bee members. This will ensure A.) the tutorial works, and B.) allows the Queen to point out any difficult portions of the tutorial that she may have changed. A Queen may use an online tutorial.
-Failure to turn in a block two months in a row will result in removal from the bee for the calendar year. A member asked to step down from the bee may reapply the following year when sign-ups are opened again.
PHXMQG Quilting Bee Tool Requirements:
In order to participate in this bee, members must have access to cutting tools (rotary cutter, scissors), a cutting mat, a straight edge quilting ruler, a sewing machine, an iron and an ironing board. Members must also have any other basic sewing tools necessary to complete the blocks each month (needles, thread, seam ripper, etc.) Members will NOT be required to purchase special tools to complete a block. Should a Queen want a block for her month that requires a special tool, she will need to provide the tool to members in their kit.
PHXMQG Quilting Bee Angels:
If a bee is unable to create a block for a certain month, she can request an Angel to create a block in her stead. Angels can be any bees who would be willing to make their block AND the block for the bee who cannot fulfill her duties for the month. If possible, an Angel should be requested prior to when the kits are handed out so the Angel can take two kits home to work on during that month.
Note to PHXMQG Quilting Bee members:
We will be using the PHXMQG Flickr site as a common ground to post pictures of blocks (either finished or in progress) and discuss topics regarding the blocks (i.e. Would it be easier to paper piece this block, Does anyone know how to close this partial seam, etc.) It will be a great tool for us as we work together to create beautiful, one-of-a-kind quilts! It will also be a place of encouragement and constructive comments.
I am not sure at this point whether we will have a six month or 12 month cycle. It will depend greatly on the number of members who sign up to join. Once we have completed the sign-ups, I will place members in hives, assign months, and decide on the cycle length. The cycle will not last more than 12 months.
I am hoping we will have a design wall where each month we can put up our blocks so everyone in the guild can see them. Should we get this, it will give us a place to highlight our work all in one place and give us all a chance to see the blocks together before they are whisked away by the Queen.
**if a queen wants a specific thread, or her seams pressed a certain way or allergies to pets, etc. she must let that be known and provide any materials needed that aren’t basic supplies.
You have until Februray 2nd to sign up to participate in this year’s bee. If you are interested, contact Danny (or Alyssa) ASAP.
Show and Tell Chair—Nedra
Nedra took a vote as to how show and tell should go and it was decided that we will line up and show our projects (as many as we want) with a one minute time limit per person. When done showing and getting a photo, we will place our items in the back for people to look at more closely at the end of the meeting.
Block of the Month Chair—Limbania
Limbania took a vote between the Shabby Fabrics, Craftsy and Pile of Fabric Skillbuilder BOM and the decision was to do our very own Alyssa’s Skillbuilder BOM. She plans to give a punch/stamp card to each participant for a drawing at the end of the year—each member that completed her card will be eligible for the drawing. Go to sign up with Alyssa online and email Limbania (or Angela) to sign up with the guild and get a punch card. The first block is available and there are videos and pdf patterns to get you started. Also, there is a Flickr group at you can join and participate in—people from all over the world and of all skill levels have joined in.
Philanthropy/Charity Chair–BJ and Jackie
We will be making comfort bags or drawstring backpacks this year for the Chandler Police Station to give to children in crisis. We will have a charity sew in at the February meeting at Jona’s house in Gilbert. If you want to bring in an material, batting, capri sun, colored pencils, little color books, or small stuffed animals, toys, etc, you will get a ticket for each item you bring or make and will receive prizes (Jona and Nancy already won this month for their donations). Also, any minky, or flannel, etc is welcome too. You can use or donate shoestrings from the dollar store for the drawstrings as well. BJ did a quick demo of how to sew the bags and we will make a picture/step by step guide at the February meeting for the blog as well.
Show and Tell: The show and tell pictures have already been posted on the blog. 13 people shared their creations. Members enjoyed Bonnie’s awesome cake during the show.
Jona announced that she is creating a list of discount shops both virtual (Etsy) and local. If you are a business owner that wants us to advertise your business and give members a discount, please contact Jona.
It was mentioned that we should all bring in the way we make our nametags to show each other our methods.
Adjournment: 4 PM ish
**if you see anything that needs to be changed or added, please let Angela know so it can be amended before the next meeting. Thank you!
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