Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild October 20th, 2012 Meeting Minutes-13 people present
1:00 PM Welcome and social time
1:15 PM Announcements-Tiffany
Sign up sheet will soon be available online for December potluck at the Chandler Police Station. It will start at NOON with set up/social time until 12:30 PM.
Discussion of what to swap resulted in a fat quarter (by color) swap for those who wish to sign up to participate. Online sign up to follow.
We had two volunteers: Show and Tell/Raffle Chairperson–Gina Halliday, Hospitality/Snack Chairperson-Bonnie and are still looking for a Charity/Philanthropy Chairperson (and possibly others)
Next month is our annual organizational meeting–bring ideas you have for things we should do all year at our monthly meetings, the bylaws should be ready by then as well.
Jona set up a PO Box for us.
Secretary’s Report-Angela: Meeting Minutes from September were approved
Treasurer’s Report (none at this time)
Doorprizes: Jona, Gina and The Warm Company donated door prizes. Each of us went home with a pattern from Jona and another from Gina as well as at least one thing from The Warm Company
Show and Tell- Many people shared their creations, pictures are on fb and blog already
Activity: Sew Name Tag of your choice, or free sew