October 2012 Meeting Minutes

Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild
October 20th, 2012
Meeting Minutes-13 people present
1:00 PM Welcome and social time

1:15 PM Announcements-Tiffany

  • Sign up sheet will soon be available online for December potluck at the Chandler Police Station.  It will start at NOON with set up/social time until 12:30 PM.
  •  Discussion of what to swap resulted in a fat quarter (by color) swap for those who wish to sign up to participate.  Online sign up to follow.
  • We had two volunteers:   Show and Tell/Raffle Chairperson–Gina Halliday, Hospitality/Snack Chairperson-Bonnie and are still looking for a Charity/Philanthropy Chairperson (and possibly others)
  • Next month is our annual organizational meeting–bring ideas you have for things we should do all year at our monthly meetings, the bylaws should be ready by then as well.
  • Jona set up a PO Box for us.

Secretary’s Report-Angela: Meeting Minutes from September were approved

Treasurer’s Report (none at this time)

Doorprizes:  Jona, Gina and The Warm Company donated door prizes.  Each of us went home with a pattern from Jona and another from Gina as well as at least one thing from The Warm Company

Show and Tell- Many people shared their creations, pictures are on fb and blog already

Activity: Sew Name Tag of your choice, or free sew