February 2022 Meeting Minutes

PHXMQG Meeting Minutes- February 12 , 2022

Hybrid meeting with 30 members and 3 guests in person and 38 members attending virtually.  

Board Members present: Laura Flagler, Erica Daniels, Kristin Floyd, Candace Lannon and Elisabet Hannafin. 

Excused: Cindy Stohn

President Laura Flagler opened the meeting. 

Welcome & information from President Laura Flagler- Laura welcomed all for the first Hybrid meeting  of 2022 for PHXMQG.  Noted that it was a welcome change to be able to share and be present together. Laura gave some updates related to Quiltcon which is to be held in Phoenix February 16-20. Members had a chance to share things related to volunteering, parking, Charity Quilts,  General admission. No formal meet up is planned, but members are encouraged to gather with others from the guild. 

Laura also shared that Bylaws committee led by Sharon Flanagan-Hyde, has been meeting to update our Bylaws and Policy Procedures. More updates to come in March. 

New Members and Guests– We welcomed these 3 guests: Cindy Templeton from Canada, Toni Pagliano and Rose Crutcher. 

Secretary Report-

Kristin noted that minutes from January were posted on website, asked for questions- none. Claire Victor motioned to approve. Second was Ana Martinez. Minutes for January approved. 

Treasurer’s Report: Shared  by Laura Flagler, virtually and in person with copies for January 2021 presented in person. 

  • Merchandise purchases earned the guild $268 so far, Merchandise Information  can be found on our Website. 
  • Amazon Smile should be depositing money this  month, expecting about $100!
  • Programs committee has been busy lining up speakers. Budgeted funds have been moved to the different speakers line items that are in the works. $800 total allocated for the year.
  • We have 102 members, almost at our membership goal!

2022_02 PHXMQG Treasurer Report

Directory/Tech– Candance shared that members can go to website to update their information to be included in Membership Directory. This is available only to members, and will not be shared beyond that. Erica also mentioned SLACK is available both through website and an APP. This is another avenue for communication channels for PHXMQG members. 
Community outreach 
  • For those that have organizations they would like the guild to donate to, you will need to act as the liaison between the guild and that org. Reach Out to Bonnie for more information.
  • Laura will collect items today that members brought for Charity, in Bonnie’s absence. 
BOM – Kim shared this years BOM is free to members, it is called “Dear Gunta” a pattern by Carrie Strine. All information is listed on website, contact Kim with questions. Francine shared her completed February Row, and Kim indicated there are updates on Website for making this one. There is also an update on the amount of Fabric, be sure to check website for correction. 
 Block lotto – 
  • Previewed March block (Umbrella), please bring to March meeting, or send pictures to Patti
  • February Block winner: Rich Kupferer
  • All information for future Blocks is on Website, A big thank you to Patti for leading this again.
Swaps: Claire shared SWAP information, including all of the SWAPs for the 2022 Program year. Members were able to see them all! Check out the website for more information. 
Vitamin D Quilt Bee 2022- Francine gave an update, this is in progress, and there is one more open spot. Please contact her for more information. 
Programs for 2022 
This is still being finalized,  but Programs team has been busy lining up a great variety of programs for us! 
Kelli also shared a bit about Gee’s Bend, in honor of Black Heritage month. Check out the website for information about this movement!
At this meeting, for our Program, our own Cynthia Horst shared tips for Free-Motion Quilting on your Domestic Machine. Cynthia shared many quilts she has completed on her machine, and shared that Lori Kennedy and Angela Walters were some of her go-to’s for learning various techniques. A huge thank you to Cynthia for sharing with us! 
Raffles: Erica was our Raffle Queen today. Multiple winners of great notions, patterns and fabric! 

Show & Share: We had so many beautiful Show & Share items today! One of the highlights of the meeting – seeing such great talent, and such a variety. Thank you to all who brought items to share!

Meeting closed by the Laura at 2:45.