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2024 PHXMQG Guild Events
2023 BOM “Lucky Cuff” Reveal
IN PERSON 1pm – 3pm
- 2024 BOM intro,
- 2024 Block Lottery
- 2024 Programs Announcements

Guicy Giuce
VIRTUAL 1pm – 3pm
Guicy discovered quilting when he was in college and began sewing improvisational quilts before moving into modern traditional territory. He joined Instagram shortly thereafter and quickly found himself making long distance friends in the ever-growing quilting community via social media. He designs fabric, patterns and teaches quilting workshops.

Diana Fitzgerald
Sashiko Trunk Show, Demo and Q&A
IN PERSON 1pm – 3pm
Open sew and socializing 10am – 1pm
Diana’s Patchwork Sashiko Method is best appreciated when samples can be seen and touched. This method creates a very textured and tactile textile that adds a unique touch to any sewing project or displayed on its own. A variety of samples using Patchwork Sashiko textiles will be presented along with discussion about other ways to showcase them. Then, Diana will demonstrate her technique and briefly talk through each step followed by questions and answers.
Patterns and kits will be available to purchase.

2024 Demo Day & SOL Bee Exhibit
IN PERSON 1pm – 3pm
We will move around the room in small groups as several of our talented members will give short demonstrations on quilt and sewing related techniques. If you have a technique you’d like to share please contact

MAY 11
Puzzle Ball and Open Sew
IN PERSON 10am – 3pm
Come make a puzzle ball with Claire or sew for community outreach or any other projects you want.

Jenny Haynes – Papper, Sax, Sten
The Evolution of a Curve
VIRTUAL 1pm – 3pm
Jenny gives shape to curvy quilts and this is a fittingly meandering journey about Jenny’s development as a maker. Her life started in a 70s Sweden with rag rugs and hand-painted bark baskets, via London and a fashion industry that demands that you step on the orange, to a Yorkshire full of Drunkard’s Path quilts with holes and dowels.
Jenny would say the curve evolves independently and is taking her on a journey rather than the other way around.

Jenny Haynes
“Get Ready” Workshop Prep
VIRTUAL 11am – 12pm
This is a live online course consisting of a one-hour ‘Get Ready!’ session to discuss the pattern, colour, templates and what prep you can do, followed a few weeks later by a four-hour group session via Zoom.
The main workshop consists of two one-hour demo’s by me, each followed by solo sewing and questions by you.
Both the ‘Get Ready!’ session and the workshop will be recorded for you to watch again.
Jenny Haynes Workshop
VIRTUAL 10am – 2pm
In this techniques class you’ll learn to sew no-pin curves in different sizes using my Complete and Long Oval Drunkard’s Path templates. The different sized curves are assembled and cut into wedges that, joined together, create a kaleidoscope style flower with either six or four petals.

Summer Splash De-Stash Sale
Community Outreach Sew-In
IN PERSON 10am – 3pm
We will have our annual fundraiser…so start saving your sewing related donations. At the same time we will be doing Community Outreach sewing.

Fabric Wrapped Bowls with Bonnie
10:30am – 1pm Community Sew
Meeting – 1pm – 3pm
You want another addictive project? This is going to be it! Once you make one bowl, the next one is right there on the table. It’s going to be a non-stop bowl marathon! (Proven fact with previous classes!)
These bowls are the perfect gift for anyone…anywhere…anytime.
PHXMQG will supply the Cotton Clothesline.
Come quilt before the meeting! Community Sew will be from 10:30am – 1pm.

Cindy Lohbeck/DYEHARD’s Studio
Lecture & Sekka Shibori Dying Event
Open Sew 10am – 3pm
Lecture & Sekka Shibori Dyeing Event 1 pm-3pm
We welcome Cindy Lohbeck for a special lecture and dyeing event.
For those who want to dye fabric following the lecture, there will be a $10. cash only kit fee paid directly to Cindy on the day. The kit will include the fabric and everything else you need.
Do not bring your own fabric. She will teach two different folds for shibori dyeing.
Dress accordingly, but the process is not particularly messy.

Make it Modern
IN PERSON 10am – 3pm
Our Annual re-design of a block into a modern mini-quilt. The block will be released one week prior to the meeting. You can design, plan, and cut your fabrics but NO SEWING. You must retain one element of the original block. On the day you will have 3.5 hours to construct, quilt and bind your piece MAKING IT MODERN. The present membership will vote and the winner gets free membership to 2024.

Steph Skardal
Pushing Your Creative Boundaries
VIRTUAL 1pm – 3pm
Steph’s lecture “Pushing Your Creative Boundaries”, will explore the definition and value of creativity and creativity blockers. She will present a framework for building a creative practice in quilting and hopes that you walk away with confidence to apply this framework to your growing creative practice.

PHXMQG Holiday Party
IN PERSON 1pm – 3pm
End the year with a party! Celebrate with the guild at Escalente Senior Center.

Become a PHXMQG Guild member. Membership includes membership to the national Modern Quilt Guild