Blogroll & a Flickr “How To” Tutorial


We are so excited to be “official” with “official” membership! We would like to create a PHXMQG blogroll list in our website sidebar, with a list of all member blogs. So if you are a blogger and would like to share a link to your blog with others please email Alyssa Lichner your information and you will be added. Or maybe your not a blogger, but are completely open to linking to your personal Flickr Page, or Pinterest, or Facebook than we would be happy to link to that too.


Are you using Flickr for your Quilting? Flickr is a great online application that allows you to share your quilting photos and progress with other quilters all over the world. Flickr also has many quilting groups you can join to share your photos and be inspired by others. It is also a great place to have discussions, manage quilting bee’s, swaps, and activities.

The Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild has it’s own Flickr Group and we would love for you guys to join it. That way we can share what we are currently working on with each other in between meetings and get to know each other a bit more. You can find our Flickr Group here.

If you are brand new to Flickr and not quite sure how to setup your flickr account, join groups, and upload and add photos to groups, than here is a tutorial that Alyssa Lichner has previously put together to help you learn!

Other Social Media

You can also find the Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild on Pinterest, and Facebook!