Meet the Chairs!

We had a very enjoyable Holiday party and got lots of volunteers for our Chair positions!  Our next meeting the chairs will tell us what they have planned for the upcoming year.  Members can sign up for whatever interests them and we will be on our way!
THANK YOU to the folowing people who are now our chairs!

Quiltalong Chair–Kirsten and Tracy
Hospitality/Snack Chair–Bonnie
Workshop Chair–Gina and Kristie
Event and Swap Chair–Chelsa
Bee Keeper–Danny
Challenge of the Month Chair–Kristi
Show and Tell Chair–Nedra
Block of the Month Chair–Limbania
Philanthropy/Charity Chair–BJ and Jackie

I can hardly wait to hear what great ideas they come up with and put into place!  PHXMQG is going to be up to all kinds of fun in 2013–hope you will be joining us!