Our First Annual Holiday Gathering!!!

Okay, I don’t know about everyone else but I had a blast! Here is our group at the Old Spaghetti Factory holding up our new pin cushions. I’m in love with the one B.J. made for me (and the chocolate in the bottom of the bag didn’t hurt) and everyone else seemed pretty pleased too!

Here are Jamie, Tiffany, Carrie, Kerri, B.J., Roslyn, Michelle, Alissa, and Liana.

Phx MQG First Annual Holiday Gathering!!

Isn’t this a cute picture of Michelle and Tiffany? They exchanged gifts and the donut Tiffany made even had shiny “sprinkles” on it. The one Michelle made (with the Heather Ross bike in the middle) weighed enough to be considered a deadly projectile and I need to go get some of that stuffing from her.

Michelle and Tiffany

Here are all of our pin cushions together in a happy bunch. That is Liana’s arm modeling (great job Liana!). πŸ™‚

Same time next year, right ladies??!

Phx MQG pin cushion exchange