May 2014 Mini-Workshop – Bloomin’ Quilt As You Go Panels
After the May meeting there will be a May Mini Workshop where we will be learning to make Bloomin’ Quilt as You Go panels! These panels are great to use for pillows, wall-hangings, and bags. Using strips of fabric (this can be a good scrap buster as well!) we will stitch and quilt our way out from the center of the panel.
Supplies needed:
Sewing machine in good working order that can straight stitch
Backing fabric (These panels are ideal for pillows and bags so it is a good opportunity to use a a fabric you aren’t in love with or an inexpensive muslin) [9″-15″ square suggested]
Batting (a little smaller than your backing)
Assorted strips of fabric 1″-2.5″ wide (amount depends on size panel; ~20-25 strips of assorted prints/colors)
Thread (This can be thread intensive so bring plenty. Can also be a good option to use up those random spools with not much left on them.)
Iron & pressing surface (optional)
Rotary mat and cutter (optional)
Glue basting glue (optional)
Need inspiration for fabric selections? Check out our guild Pinterest board for ideas. These can look really spectacular with a color gradation. Remember that Scrapbooks ETC offers a discount on purchases made the day of the meeting for attendees!
Have you used this technique before? Bring in your examples to share with the group. Have other ideas for mini or full workshops? Start a post in our Phoenix MQG group in the MQG Community and let’s get talking!
Duration: 90 minutes
Cost: None. If there is a desire for kits of the backing and batting leave a comment or email [email protected] and those can be provided for a small fee.