January 2021 Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2021

Zoom Meeting

President opened the meeting

President welcomed new members

Announced deadline for renewing membership is 1/31/2021


Called for an approval of the Dec. 2020 meeting minutes – Kate, and Terry

Treasurer report

Bank Balance

Incoming and outgoing expected for next month

Reminder that PHX MQG needs to pay dues to the National MQG in Feb, so please renew memberships.

Charity Update

New block requested – specifics will be added to the website on the Charity page

2021 Swaps

Announced virtual process and showcased Swaps for 2021

Programming Update

Announced programming for Feb.

Call for members who want to demo a skill during meetings

Member Spotlight

Laura Flagler

Block of the Month (BOM)

BOM for 2021 Reveled

Monthly Patterns will be sent out after each meeting

Postcard Exchange announced

PHXMQG will be swapping with Cholla Quilters

Sign up details will be added to the website

Show and Share

General Session adjourned and Demo started