April 19, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes

Date: April 19, 2014

Location: Scrapbooks Etc.

Vice President Michelle Hart called the meeting to order at 1:20pm. Approximately 29 people were in attendance.

Three guests were welcomed (Zoe, Linda, Cheryl).

Secretary’s Report from Rebecca Whaling

February meeting minutes were approved and seconded

Vice President’s Report from Michelle Hart

  • Formal vote for Michelle Hart for President (replacing Samantha) passes.
  • MQG membership cards and pins should arrive soon.
  • We will need to make adjustments to our bylaws to fit within MQG guidelines. These changes will be posted.

Treasurer’s Report from Chelsa Knight (Michelle Hart presenting)

  • Balance at last meeting: $1,999.29
  • Money in: $125 (5 new members)
  • Money out: pending (Paypal fees, design board, supplies)
  • New balance: $2,440.00


  • Demo Day planned for August. Cards passed out for members to indicate on one card demos they would like to see and on the other demos they could do.
  • Several committee chairs remain open. Charity, Challenge, Programs (events, speaker, etc) remain open. Any one wanting to head up these committees can contact Michelle Hart.
  • Mad B’s Quilt and Sew has opened in Mesa. Both Michelle and Nedra have visited. Nedra passed out coupons from the shop owner.

Door Prize

Three door prizes were drawn

  • Book: Quilting with a Modern Slant
  • Book: Free-Motion Quilting with Angela Walters signed by the author (thank you to Danny for getting the book and signature during recent classes with Angela)
  • Fabric: Rainbow Fat Eighth Pack

Presentation: Modern Quilting Challenges – Michelle Hart

Michelle presented details and inspiration for two modern quilting challenges.

  • Dear Stella Modern Traditional: Mini quilt using Dear Stella and Timeless Treasures. Entries are due by April 30th. Several prizes awarded of Mini Confetti and Sketch fabrics.
  • MQG Michael Miller: Any quilted project using some or all of the fat eighth fabric bundle from Michael Miller. Entries due July 25th (deadline extended by MQG ).
    • Fabric bundles for the MQG Michael Miller challenges were passed out.
    • Donation from Fat Quarter Shop used to create 4 fat quarter Cotton Couture solid bundles giveaways for challenge participants.

Presentation: MQG Community Site Overview and Economy Blocks – Rebecca Whaling

Rebecca presented information on how to navigate the MQG Community site including the Phoenix MQG group and the available forums. Members are encouraged to post in the group.

An overview of Economy Blocks and their usage was presented. Members are asked to bring one or more 8″ finished Economy Blocks to the May meeting to be used to create one or more charity quilts. The quilts will be donated via AZ Blankets for Kids.

Breakout Sessions

  • Vitamin D Bee meeting
  • Potholder Swap

Demo: Economy Blocks – Rebecca Whaling

Construction of Economy Blocks was demonstrated giving sizing for 5″ and 8″ finished blocks. Donations for the charity quilt are to be 8″ finished Economy Blocks of any color. The center square should contain an identifiable object. Preference for boy or neutral themes.


Show and Tell with 9 participants then Adjournment at 4pm

Prepared by: Rebecca Whaling, April 26, 2014