August 17th, 2013 Meeting Minutes –with Correction

Corrected version of the minutes below.  The change had to do with the meeting at Bernina Connection–there is no meeting on 9/21 but there is a table to sign up if you are interested in joining the modern group that meets there. 

Some of you are also aware that the September meeting with Sharon has been postponed to October–these are the meeting minutes so the information here is old.  Just didn’t want to confuse anyone on that.



Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes

Date:  Aug 17th, 2013

How many people present-32 (by my count)

1:15 PM Call  to Order by President Tiffany


Introduce of new members/visitors. We had five.

Thanks to Jen and Michonne for bringing snacks.

Secretary’s Report: Presentation of the Meeting Minutes from July, 2013.  Minutes approved and seconded.

Treasurer’s Report:

Previous Balance $1125.46

Money In $60 – 4 new members!

Money Out $13.78 – meeting supplies and website hosting fee

Balance $1171.68

President’s Report:

Announcement of Sharon Schamber Piecelique Workshop for Sept.  Those that RSVP and pay for a kit ($20.00) will be working on a New York Beauty block at the next special meeting.  We will NOT have a regular business meeting in September.  If you are coming to the workshop you can set up any time after 11 AM, workshop with Sharon and Cristy starts at noon and goes until 6 PM.  All members will receive a newsletter with details and can RSVP one week before registration opens up to guests.

Bonnie announced a new modern group that will be meeting at Bernina Connection.  The store is having a registration party where there will be a table setup promoting this Modern Group from 10 AM-12 PM on Saturday 9/21.  The first meeting is scheduled for October 6th, from 1-4 PM—there is no charge to attend.  Contact Bonnie for more information.  This group may or may not evolve into a more northern modern quilt guild for the Phoenix area. (Thank you Bonnie for the clarification.)

Chairperson/Committee Reports: 

Chelsa-announced pillow swap for October.  Pillow isn’t to be included, but finished quilt cover should be 18×18 finished and should have a flap or zipper closure and be pieced.  You are welcome to add embroidery or other embellishments, but it needs to be pieced.  Chelsa will blog about this soon.  Don’t forget to check out her pinterest boards too!

Angela-the next challenge is an “embellishment challenge” which we will share in October (postponed due to next month’s special workshop).  For this challenge you can bring anything you have embellished in any way.

Quick Break Out:

Danny and the Viatmin D Bee met and Tracy got her blocks.  Jen passed out the pattern for her block she calls “the single girl and so much more.”

Chelsa conducted the Zipper Pouch Swap with 18 participants!  We had lots of unique bags.  Some had pockets, labels, embellishment, etc. and all had cute fabric! We managed to get a group photo after our exchange too.

Door prizes were passed out and Terry won some cute sewing themed socks, Shanyn won the Pink Chalk Fabrics bundle and gift certificate and Denise won an Amy Butler pattern.
1:30 PM Activity:   Nedra conducted Show and Tell

About twenty people participated in Show and Tell.

Adjournment: 4 PM