October 2020 Meeting Minutes

PHXMQG Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2020

Virtual Meeting (Zoom)

President opened the meeting and asked for new member/guest introductions and celebrations.

President Report


National resources are part of your membership

Weekly calls

Next month: Modern Quilting Bee 2020 – Block information will be sent out 10 days before to help you prepare

Navajo Elder Donations were delivered to coordinators for drop off at the Reservation. Thank you to all who donated, you went above and beyond.

Treasurers Report

Balance update.

Vice President

Challenge quilt details – we are planning the December meeting to be outdoors, more details to follow.


Called for motion to approve September / August meeting minutes

Website will be updated in the coming months, look for changes.

Committee Announcements

Show and Share: Members shared their quilt projects.

Demonstration from Member on how to make a zipper bag with vinyl from a popcorn bag.

General Session ended.

Meeting Adjourned.