ARTrageous Quilt Exhibit Call for Enteries

One of our members brought in a newspaper clipping with information about the ARTrageous Quilt Exhibit’s call for enteries.  If you are interested here is some info from

Call to Artists
Art Quilts XVIII: ARTrageous Art Quilts

November 1, 2013 – January 18, 2014
Entry Deadline: Friday, August 23, 2013
A Call to Artists for original works of textile Art Quilts that step outside of the box in some context, reflecting a twist on the traditional, an interesting technique that is unique to your work, or simply something that is so extremely bold, that your colleagues will exclaim, “what!?!”The challenge is to move beyond any traditional style, context or subject that you have relied on in the past, or to take your traditional context and mix it up in a way that is beyond being bold. Outrageous: exceeding the limits of what is usual.