Membership Roster Is In The Works!

We know that some of you have been awaiting a membership roster with names, emails and zip codes (so you can carpool to meetings if you like!) and we have been trying to figure out the best way to do this since we don’t yet have a members only section on the web that would allow that information to be secure.  We are up to forty two members!   We have decided we will be emailing that information to members only (it will NOT be on the blog) and have done our best to make sure that is okay with each and every one of you.  If you DO NOT WANT your name, email and zip code emailed to members please email [email protected] ASAP so your information can be removed from that list.  We plan to send the list out prior to the June meeting.  At that point you will be able to email members and share other information at will.  In the future we hope to have this on the members only section of our website.