PMQG Gets Rolling Again!

We had twelve people present today:  Laura, Nedra, Magaritee, Kirsten, Tracy, Jona, Heather, Lisa, Alyssa, Alissa, Angela, and Tiffany.  We decided on our board members for the year:  Tiffany is President, Jona is Vice President, Angela is Secretary, Lisa is Treasurer and Allysa is Graphic Designer.  
We decided that future meetings will be on the third Saturday of the month at 1 PM.  We will have sign ups for those who want to host a meeting, tentatively the July meeting is at Jona’s and the August meeting is at Kirsten’s house.  
Our July meeting on the 21st we will start out mingling and snacking (bring a snack, we will then sign up for future snacks on a rotating basis) and then we will have a special show and tell so we can show off what we do well and find out who might be able to help us with something that we are stuck on.  So bring two things so we can find out more about each other and what we are interested in having future guest speakers teach us!
We will be sending out an email with questions so that we can find out some of that information as well.  Once we know where we are at, what we know and want to know we will be in a better position to figure out what we should schedule for each meeting.  
There will also be a survey or two coming out…one having to do with if we should split the group in two so people don’t have to travel so far and another after our fabulous Allysa designs us a new logo or two to help us choose which one we like the best.  
We did decide that people are welcome to come visit us once and if they like us and want to return they will need to pay dues.  We will be collecting dues in September and we estimate they will be at the most $25.00 a year.  We will do some kind of a pro-rated thing for those who join later on.  
We are thinking we will have some sort of swap again in December for those who want to swap something.  Last year was pincushions, so bring some ideas for what we should swap this year.
I have also added the pictures I took today and if you want a more detailed account of today’s show and tell you can go to my blog at for that.