

Another Modern Mystery Quilt

I know a few of you either started the last modern mystery quilt I posted about or at least printed the directions (like I did!) but in blog reading today I came across another Modern themed mystery!  I will be…

Which BOM do YOU Want to Do?

Limbania has chosen three different block of the month programs for us to pick from at our January meeting. The one with the most interest will be this year’s BOM! Please take some time to check out the following links…

Reminder for the Chairs!

It is almost January 5th and our chairs have been making plans for us for 2013!  All chairs need to check in with their assigned board member (if you know who it is) or with one of our co-presidents by…

December Charity Challenge is Underway!

BJ and Jackie (our new charity/philanthropy chairs) have already been busy making bags and collecting beanie babies to donate to the Chandler Police Station!  These bags were given to the police who come into contact with children being placed outside…

Lisa’s Red Beef Enchiladas

I am posting my red beef enchilada recipe from the December Potluck last weekend because I have had a few people ask for the recipe.    Now the funny thing about this recipe is that there are no exact measurements.…