2025 PHXMQG Guild Events

Open Sew & Socialize

Community Outreach Sew & Learn


2nd Saturday of each month

10 am - 1 pm

Check individual events for details


2nd Saturday of each month

1 pm - 3 pm

  • All 2025 meetings are scheduled to be IN PERSON.
  • Meetings with remote lecturers will be IN PERSON meetings and the remote lecture will be broadcast at the meeting.

Location change for 2025

Pyle Adult Recreation Center

655 E Southern Avenue Tempe, AZ 85282

Sit 'n Sew

4th Saturday each month 1 - 3 pm

Every Tuesday night from 6 - 8


Community Outreach Bits for Kits

Diana Jacobsen & Cindy Stohn
Community Outreach Bits for Kits: 10 am – 1 pm

We have lots of scraps that need to be cut into useable pieces so they can be kitted into quilts.  Please come help with the cutting. 

Supply List
Rotary Cutter
Cutting Mat

We will have one ironing station set up.

The Bits for Kits will take place on the half of the room nearest the stage.  It will share the space with Open Sew.  The workshop will take place on the other side of the room.

Open Sew & Socialize

Open Sew and Bits & Kits will share the half of the room closest to the stage.  There will be limited outlets due to the workshop on the other side of the room.  Please bring hand projects if possible.


Barb Brandt

Workshop: In the bag with Barb – Sew Together Bag
Workshop: 10 am – 1 pm
Meeting: 1 pm – 2:30 pm
Workshop Finish: 2:30 pm  – 3:30 pm

Join us for a workshop with PHXMQG Member Barb Brandt!  You must register for this workshop, there is a $10 fee and seats are limited.

Get ready to create the incredibly versatile “Sew Together Bag” with the guidance of Barb! Don’t let zippers and bindings intimidate you—Barb will walk us through each step with ease.

Pre-work: Be sure to check the attachment for details. Completing this work before the session will help ensure you’re ready to tackle the difficult stuff with help to guide you.

You must have the pattern to take this workshop.  Buy the Pattern here.  A 20% discount code (valid Feb 15 – Mar 8) will be provided via email.

Join us for a fun, hands-on workshop and leave with your very own Sew Together Bag!

aPRIL 12

Community Outeach Sew & Learn

Diana Jacobsen & Cindy Stohn
Community Outreach Sew & Learn: 10 am – 1 pm

Diana & Cindy will teach you how to make Frankenbatting.  We all have batting scraps lying around.  Community Outreach quilts are a great way to use them up.  Come learn how to make one large piece from your batting scraps.

Supply List
sewing machine with zig zag stitch
extension cord
white thread

Open Sew & Socialize

Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm

Open Sew and Bits & Kits will share the half of the room closest to the stage.  There will be limited outlets due to the workshop on the other side of the room.  Please bring hand projects if possible.

aPRIL 12

Sheila Frampton Cooper

Lecture - Spontaneous Inspiration & Creation
Community Outreach Sew & Learn: 10 am – 1 pm
Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm
Meeting & Lecture : 1 pm – 3 pm

This talk goes deep into Sheila’s process. She discuss color, inspiration and the various approaches she engages when doing this type of work. She’ll share a variety of student work as well as a few other artists and discuss what she feels makes a piece successful. This is a fun talk full of eye candy!

Tangerine Dreams Quilt by Sheila Frampton Cooper

aPRIL 26


Sheila Frampton Cooper

Workshop - Lines & Curves
VITRUAL Workshop: 10 am – 4 pm

Students will combine thick and thin lines with curved pieces and assemble the quilt top in rows. There are infinite possibilities. Sheila will demonstrate construction techniques for sewing curved seams and discuss some of the challenges you may run into with spontaneous design and piecing.

$25.00 for members
April 26th – 10 am – 4 pm
Limited Seats

MAY 10

Community Outreach Sew

Diana Jacobsen & Cindy Stohn
Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever community outreach project you are working on or just show up ready to work and the Community Outreach committee will give you something to work on – there are always kits to make, tops to piece, bindings to sew…

Open Sew & Socialize

Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever you are working on and get to know your guild mates while you work.

MAY 10

Peter Byrne

Behind the Seams Trunk Show
Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm
Open Sew & Socializing: 10 am – 1 pm
Meeting & Lecture: 1 pm – 3 pm

Peter is a Published, National, and International Award-Winning, modern quilter with a deep passion for innovation and design. His strength is maintaining a fresh approach to quilting, with original designs and technical mastery.

He will be sharing many, many quilts with us that are from his body of work dating from 2017 until present day. With change, comes opportunity, going virtual with his presentation has allowed me to go “Behind the Seams” and show people much more, of his quilt making process! With every quilt he shares, he has added “how to pictures”and “close up” pictures as well.

Peter Byrne - White-Neon-Black-Pinwheel
Peter Byrne - White-Neon-Black-Pinwheel


Sharon Root

Workshop - Drunkard's Path for the Modern Quilter
Workshop: 10 am – 1 pm
Meeting: 1 pm – 3 pm

Join PHXMQG Member, Sharon Root, to learn some modern takes on the traditional Drunkard’s Path Quilt.

Modern quilters have discovered the versatility of the quarter circle block that quilters, in the late 1800s, used to make the drunkard’s path quilt top. Sharon Root’s Airport Museum quilt is a modern variation of the traditional layout. The possibilities for layouts using the 16 blocks you will make in class are endless. Click HERE to view ideas. Note the cute animals baby quilt ideas!

Drunkard’s Path by Sharon Root                2022

On display as part of the Sewn Together Exhibit at The Phoenix Airport Museum. 


Summer Splash De-Stash Sale

SALE:  10 am – 3 pm
Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 3 pm

We will have our annual fundraiser…so start saving your sewing related donations. At the same time we will be doing Community Outreach sewing.


Community Outreach Sew

Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever community outreach project you are working on or just show up ready to work and the Community Outreach committee will give you something to work on – there are always kits to make, tops to piece, bindings to sew…

Open Sew & Socialize

Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever you are working on and get to know your guild mates while you work.


Karen Bolan Lecture

Lecture - Engineer Your Quilts
Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm
Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm
Lecture & Meeting: 1 pm – 3 pm

Karen Bolan is a quilter in Northern California. Drawn to the layers of design and expression possible in quilting, she loves the learning that comes from experimenting. She endeavors to find efficiencies in process and material use. Her designs are out of the box, and integrate a love of geometry, experimentation, interconnection, depth, and texture. Her work has been featured in magazines including Curated Quilts, Modern Quilt Guild Journal, Make Modern, and Modish Quilter, and her quilts have been exhibited at local and international shows including QuiltCon, Pacific International Quilt Festival, and the de Young Museum.

Free yourself from the need to use someone else’s pattern and appoint yourself head of your own design empire. View a gallery of original quilts and learn how to apply the engineering design process to your quilts. Learn to find and use sources of inspiration, harness nifty software and manual tools, and get inspired by approachable improvisational techniques.

Karen Bolan - Lecture - Engineer Your Quilts


Community Outreach Sew

Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever community outreach project you are working on or just show up ready to work and the Community Outreach committee will give you something to work on – there are always kits to make, tops to piece, bindings to sew…

Open Sew & Socialize

Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever you are working on and get to know your guild mates while you work.


Make it Modern Challenge

Challenge Sew: 9:30 am – 1 pm
Meeting: 1 pm – 3 pm

Our Annual fun competition where you will re-design of a traditional quilt block into a modern mini-quilt. The block name will be released one week prior to the meeting. You can design, plan, and cut your fabrics during that week, but NO SEWING. You must retain one element of the original block. On the day you will have 3.5 hours to construct, quilt and bind your piece MAKING IT MODERN. The present membership will vote and the winner gets free membership for 2026.

Make It Modern 2024 - Lori Maxwell
Make It Modern 2024 - Lori Maxwell


Community Outreach Sew

Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever community outreach project you are working on or just show up ready to work and the Community Outreach committee will give you something to work on – there are always kits to make, tops to piece, bindings to sew…

Open Sew & Socialize

Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever you are working on and get to know your guild mates while you work.


Sarah Ruiz

Lecture - From Inspiration to Quilt
Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm
Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm
Meeting & Lecture: 1 pm – 3 pm

Sarah Ruiz is a quilter and aerospace engineer from Houston, TX. Her creative and technical sides have always been intertwined, from drawing Disney characters and memorizing constellations as a kid to taking humans back to the moon and dreaming up new quilts today.

Quilting perfectly combines her engineering and artistic mindsets, and she loves the puzzle-solving required to turn an idea into reality. Her quilts feature bright colors, bold lines, and graphic shapes that are easy to make but pack a visual punch.


Community Outreach Sew

Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever community outreach project you are working on or just show up ready to work and the Community Outreach committee will give you something to work on – there are always kits to make, tops to piece, bindings to sew…

Open Sew & Socialize

Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever you are working on and get to know your guild mates while you work.


Demo Day

Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm
Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm
Meeting & Demos: 1 pm – 3 pm

One of our most popular events of the year! Demo Day!

We will move around the room in small groups as several of our talented members give short demonstrations on quilt and sewing related techniques. If you have a technique you’d like to share please contact [email protected]


Community Outreach Sew

Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever community outreach project you are working on or just show up ready to work and the Community Outreach committee will give you something to work on – there are always kits to make, tops to piece, bindings to sew…

Open Sew & Socialize

Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm

Bring whatever you are working on and get to know your guild mates while you work.


PHXMQG Year End Party

Community Outreach Sew: 10 am – 1 pm
Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm
PARTY: 1 pm – 3 pm

End the year with a party!  Celebrate with the guild at the Pyle Adult Recreation Center.


2025 Kick Off

Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm
Meeting: 1 pm – 3 pm

Introducing the 2025 Lineup

  • Block of the Month

  • Block Lottery
  • Program Announcements
  • Swap Intro
  • Raffle Basket Sign Ups
  • QuiltCon Updates
  • Sol Bee Kick Off
  • Community Outreach Update
  • And much more…

The 2024 Block of the Month quilts will be on display.

Pattern: L is for Quilt by Sarah Ruiz for the Modern Quilt Guild


PHX Sky Harbor
Terminal 4

Sewn Together

Group Tour of Exhibit: 1 pm


Quilty Games

Open Sew & Socialize: 10 am – 1 pm
Meeting & Games: 1 pm – 3 pm

Join PHXMQG Member and Program Chair, Erynn Truex as she leads us through fun and games. Chat and socialize (and sew-cialize) with your fellow PHXMQG Members.


Quiltcon Happy Hour

Happy Hour: 4 pm – 7 pm

Step away from Quiltcon for a bit and join PHXMQG Members nearby at Copper Blues Rock Pub & Kitchen, 50 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003 .  

We plan to take a group photo, so be sure to wear your Endless Sewing t-shirts!


Become a PHXMQG Guild member.  Membership includes membership to the global Modern Quilt Guild